in freedom •  7 years ago 

I had left New Delhi for the Himalaya.I was going as far as Bareilly by train and then by car to Ranikhet-an old British army hill station located on a 6,000-foot ridge opposite a120 mile stretch of snow -capped Himalaya.The train was slow;and it stopped at all the way stations.At every stop I swung open the door of my compartment,and walked the platform.The pletfpla were packed with people-Sikh,Moslem,Hindus;soldiers,marchen m,priest,porters,beggars,hawker.Almost everyone was berefood and dressed in loose white garment.I would ask at least three people before I could find one who spoke English.We would talk world affairs and every major topic the news of the day produced.In this way I was trying to get a feel of the pulse of the nation,cheching opinion against official attitudes and reports.

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