RE: How To Make Your Court Case Irrelevant - Introducing Steemin' Marc Stevens' 'No State Project'.

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How To Make Your Court Case Irrelevant - Introducing Steemin' Marc Stevens' 'No State Project'.

in freedom •  8 years ago  (edited)

@Ura-Soul... Thank You for the Heads-Up on Marc Stevens !!

Have looked into these concepts of Jurisdiction but alas am not a lawyer BUT Your Post helps considerably in de-mystifying the obscure ways that our court system works illegally...

Will definitely look into Marc's work... Just Followed @MarcStevens...

Thanks Again... Cheers !!

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You are welcome, I have a lot of material on these subjects - but Marc's approach is probably the easiest to understand.

Just because you don't like that the State enforces the laws created by society doesn't mean society is illegal. Please read this before giving away your hard earned money to this snake oil salesman.

I have never ever heard the term 'right of conquest' in all my explorations of this subject. I suspect that most humans will consider that no such right exists as it is akin to 'the right to murder and overpower' - which obviously doesn't exist.
You appear to be saying that the alleged 'right to conquest' is some kind of natural right - is that your claim here?

As far as giving money to anyone, as far as I am aware - no-one has asked for money.

What is your understanding of the reality that numerous court cases have been thrown out based on marc's shared ideas regarding jurisdiction?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My take on the court cases that Marc Stevens and his followers have won are wins based one of the following. A. An inexperienced prosecutor who doesn't know from where his jurisdiction comes from (not from the consent of the governed) but by the original "Conquest" by the American Colonialists over the British Army in America and The Indian and Mexican territories. 2. Lazy People who don't want to spend the time arguing with radical partially or uneducated people over petty crimes. 3. Other loopholes in the law that actually exhonerated the defendant but not expressed at dismissal 4. Jury Nulification although Im not personally aware of number 4 as to have actually happened to Marc or any of his followers.

There is no such thing as Voluntarism. The State rules with impunity and no such idea existed prior to the U.S. coming into existence, that the consent of the governed Is necessary to govern although the will of the People is a hard thing to ignore when staring down a million pitchforks.

The Legitimacy of the US government does not rest in our consent but in its ability to defend itself, the fealty of its soldiers to the fiction of the rule of law rather than a Monarch and its recognition of and by other nations who do business with it as a sovereign entity. Otherwise the Native Americans have the legitimacy of government as the original occupiers. But the world's other recognized sovereigns - recognize the US Republic as the Legitimate Sovereign Jurisdiction over the lands it claims.

Research "Conquest" in Black's Law and International Law.


They all ask for donations. Time and Money. Its snake oil cures for legal woes😁. There is a guy on here named Danilo asking for $150 per hour to train them on Vokubtaryism.

I do not recall hearing Marc asking for money - but even if he did, that is his business in a world that attempts to enforce financial control on everyone. I can guarantee he would be asking for a tiny fraction of the cost of a mainstream member of the 'law society'.

Small amounts from a lot of dupes adds up. There's a sucker born every minute and Marc is trying to talk to them all.

Unfortunately there are a lot of real lawyers who don't understand history any better than he does and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because if he knows the truth and peddles this idea of living under an illegitimate regime based on lack of consent - then that would be hypocrisy and I would not want to accuse anyone of that.

War and Rebellion become legitimate when you win territory. Ask Bashar Al Assad about losing parts of Syria to Kurd rebels; made legitimate by the US, and Saudi Arabia.

No form of control of the will of others is legitimate.

What is your definition of legitimate? Just because you don't like it doesn't make it illegitimate.

There is no such thing as Voluntarism. The State rules with impunity and no such idea existed prior to the U.S. coming into existence, that the consent of the governed Is necessary to govern although the will of the People is a hard thing to ignore when staring down a million pitchforks.

The Legitimacy of the US government does not rest in our consent but in its ability to defend itself, the fealty of its soldiers to the fiction of the rule of law rather than a Monarch and its recognition of and by other nations who do business with it as a sovereign entity. Otherwise the Native Americans have the legitimacy of government as the original occupiers. But the world's other recognized sovereigns - recognize the US Republic as the Legitimate Sovereign Jurisdiction over the lands it claims.

Research "Conquest" in Black's Law and International Law.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The definition of legitimate is: Conforming to the Law or to Rules.

Therefore Anarchy is "illegitimate" as defined by the "Dictionary". Lol. Have a good day.

legitimacy does not require any form of logical rules to be adhered to from a specific source. anarchy does not preclude the individual from making his/her own rules for his/her own life and in his/her own way. therefore it can be said that since it is imbalanced and against natural law for one being to control another, the only legitimacy can come from self governance and the decisions which uphold that.

you need to consider the bigger picture here.

Talk to Webster.

If you are referring to Webster's Dictionary, you will need to be more precise. I do not advise anyone to define their destiny based on the definitions presented via a corporate textbook.

The Right of Conquest is the original Natural Law.

The word 'Nature' is rooted in the idea of 'Birthing' - not in 'Winning' or 'Dominating' and in truth, these are opposing concepts. The fact that there has been a great imbalance on Earth for a long time is not proof that balance is not the correct way and that balance cannot be found.

So the guy whose moral code is might makes right is calling me a snake oil salesman? Wow, call into a live broadcast And nice strawman, I don't claim society doesn't exist, citizens and states don't.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I didn't say might has right. "Conquest" is how our title to our property Is made legitimate and defended against the claims of others including against those whose lands were Taken and sold off to me and you. It's neither right nor wrong.

But if you have to live in a world of right and wrong, you're wrong for attempting to convince people their government is illegitimate because they didn't personally choose it.

I don't have the oratory talents that you have. So not going to subject myself to any verbal abuse. But make no mistake, our government doesn't rely on our individual consent but it does do so collectively. Or was supposed to. I'm not claiming our government is perfect and certain things need to be put back into balance again, namely the resident : representative Ratio needs to be increased back to 1:30,000 using modern technology, it can happen again.

I verbally abuse people on my radio show? You have any proof of that? I have been accused of abusing my audience by not cutting calls soon enough, but not abusing my callers.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That's Wasn't an accusation of past abuse. But I see that you like to ask questions. I have a two Part question for you.

  1. Do you believe in owning private land? If so, where do you trace your title for it if you have one or do you defend it by yourself?

I don't think Marc should answer that question because he doesn't want you firing giant pink unicorns at his house and killing him. Obviously, I'm not saying you've done it before ;)

I wasn't asking for his address. And I don't think he's too worried about pink unicorns even if they are giants but you've prolly got one chained in your basement extracting balance juice for your nutrimedicals biz. Hahahahaha.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Moral Code is a function of the Law. Period. And is just as much of a fiction as the law itself.

But that doesn't mean either one are illegitimate.

The Legitimacy of the US government does not rest in our consent but in its ability to defend itself, the fealty of its soldiers to the fiction of the rule of law rather than a Monarch and its recognition of and by other nations who do business with it as a sovereign entity. Otherwise the Native Americans have the legitimacy of government as the original occupiers. But the world's other recognized sovereigns - recognize the US Republic as the Legitimate Sovereign Jurisdiction over the lands it claims.

Research "Conquest" in Black's Law and International Law.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

..... if I accused you of saying society doesn't exist then I stand corrected. The State And its Citizens exist because of the fealty professed by its soldiers. For without it we have no legitimate title to our property and Law is the ficticious moral code we live by.