John Pilger says it best, regards Assange, the freedom of the press and the powers that be.

in freedom •  5 years ago  (edited)

Understanding the message that was sent with regards to dissenting voices.

The (supposed) arrest of Assange to me at least, is a message that you must tow the line of lies and deceit, or else, and that includes you - and me.

Press freedom died last week, it was almost already dead since the 1970's.

John Pilger interview with regards to press freedom.

For me, the arrest of Assange, even though I do not particularly believe the given storyline, is more to do with governments saying to investigative journalists, you are next if you do not tow the current political line and lies.

It is also a warning to "us" all of us that dare to dissent against the powers that be, all of us that write down online or in print, that we do not agree with the current political system, with the current crop of puppet crime-ministers.

It is a very dangerous place to be, on the other side of the line from the psychopaths in power, that have lost it seems, all semblance of reality, and seem to be living the lies they speak.

I watch these lunatics that run the asylum, lie and do it over and over again with zero emotion.

This interview is the best I have seen so far regarding the ramifications of what happened this week, I hope you have time to watch it.

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The violence of the control structure in full display.

None more so than the post I just put up.

Indeed, I just checked it out

I did indeed watch it - only an hour ago.

Superb, and from a true journalist at that, which is as rare now as finding a do-do bird.

I will watch the vid later :)

Posted using Partiko Android

It is well worth the watch bro.

Thanks for the video, great analysis of the situation. They hate Julian for getting lots of people to see that the emperor is naked, so to speak. Particularly because it’s the internet age and it can’t be drowned out by the tools in the media.

Posted using Partiko iOS

True that my friend.

He jumps to conclusions right off the bat that this happened because he's a journalist telling the truth. The overall picture of that may be the truth but he was arrested for not showing up in court not because (at that moment) he may be waiting for the US to file more charges upon his exit from the embassy.

The debate moving forward will be based on whether European officials will agree that a journalist can be extradited for printing of the truth. The US will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he helped Chelsea Manning obtain the documents he printed. So far that evidence is weak, based on recorded conversations that could be perceived as inconclusive to conclusively draw that out as fact.

If he is extradited the same will apply in court of law here. They will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was complicit with Manning's endeavor, if not found guilty of that then the debate moves forward to is it criminal to print information provided to a reporter and/or is a foreign journalist subject to US laws.

I like Chomskies view with regards to this.

Also the rape charges were dropped in 2017, so skipping bail, for a crime he is not being charged for, is surreal to say the least, as the UK can not charge him with skipping bail, for a crime he is not being charged with!.

To say the least. That makes sense in your and my mind but ultimately it's going to be up to a judge to determine that despite the charges being dropped after(which we all know were bogus to begin with) the fact whether skipping out on bail would/could still stand.

And we all know whose side judges are on don't we, and it is not our side.

England has been getting sorry in that regard, here in the US though judges don't have a problem with doling it out like it is.

Here is hoping then.

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