I Jumped! - Stepping Outside of The Matrix Control System

in freedom •  8 years ago  (edited)

I jumped! No, not off a cliff, but out of the Matrix (as good as I can). I’ve been daydreaming of doing this for the last few years while I slowly but surely detached myself from this whole Matrix Control System that we are all living in as much as possible. We can never escape it completely, but we can make a deliberate choice to detach ourselves from it as much as we can.

It’s over a week ago now that I left it all behind me. My home in Holland, most of my possessions (that I gave away) and my familiar life. As a single guy in his mid thirties who has chosen to honor his life’s calling, I took one backpack with only the essentials with me and my gig bag with my beloved electr. guitar in one hand (my biggest passion in life) and hit the road.

“If you throw yourself to the wind, you can ride it.” - Max Igan

What I’ve really noticed happening over the past few months is that once I completely aligned myself with what I strongly feel is my purpose, passion and path in life, synchronicity started to happen in such bizarre and non-explainable ways that one can only revel in the mystery. It’s where believes and ideas are exchanged for evidence and the Universe/Source/Infinite Consciousness or whatever name you want to give to it actually shows you it’s true through experience.

Hearing people like Max Igan, Jeff Berwick, Sasha (daygame) and others speak about these topics was the final push for me to fully embrace it all and it also was the exact thing I needed to hear at the right time.

The first step to break free from the Matrix Control System is first of all to become conscious of who and what you truly are and that you’re not just a number, just another brick in the wall or a cog in the big machine – as the system wants you to believe. Because if you do believe that you’re just that - and most of us do - we will never take chances to break free from it. And that’s the point of the whole system. To keep you firmly locked in place so it can feed of your energy and to keep your mind continuously occupied with all kinds of distractions. Because the more you keep people running on the treadmill and keep them distracted or worried about making enough money to keep being able to pay the bills, the less time you give them to think. You have to keep there minds occupied, or some of them might actually wake up to realize how much they’re being screwed and lied to and that there is actually a different and way more fulfilling way to live life on your own terms. But becoming aware of this is only the first step to the awakening process. Hell, most people aren’t even aware of the chains around there neck. They actually think that they’re free while having to pay to be alive (which they’ve been programmed to think is “normal”) and being chained to a pile of debt.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The good thing however is that in this day and age because of the internet we have examples around us of people who are already showing us that it’s possible to break free from it all. But it all starts with soul searching, at least a slight awareness and acting upon what you know. That last step is what I did a week ago when I left my old life behind me and hit the road. And I’m SO glad I did.


The first few days made me have thoughts of “what the hell have I done...” a few times and waking up in the morning with a light panic attack, because of the depth of uncertainty I’ve thrown myself into (while the only real form of certainty is knowing that you’ll be alright, no matter what life throws at you). But that’s the trick. You have to slowly but surely move into this place where you align yourself with the Universe and to start trusting it completely. It is the awareness of knowing who and what you truly are and knowing that it’s an Energetic Universe around us (and it's communicating with us the entire time) and the importance of putting yourself in the right energetic state that is key. Synchronicity will become a big part of your life and you start to see that whenever something doesn’t happen or work out, it only means that something better is waiting for you. And this “better” doesn’t have to be an experience of all rainbows and sunshine. This “better” is simply something you need in order to develop and grow, so that later on down the road you are ready for the gift that’s waiting for you.

“Sell or give away most of your possessions and just jump on the back of a train and just see where you’ll end up.” ~ Jeff Berwick

And Jeff is right, just as many other "awakened" cool cats I’ve had the honor to know personally or that I’ve seen online, even through they have no idea who I am or are even aware of my existence. That’s the beauty of the internet: you inspire way more people than you might think to reconnect with their spirit, their heart, with Source (or whatever name you want to give to it) and to start living a life that is true to themselves and to follow their passion. And what is passion? From my perspective passion is what lives deep within your heart and is there to remember you of who you are and what your path is in life. What you came here on this earth to do. You didn’t came here on this earth to be another cog in the machine, that’s for sure. To spend your life worrying about money, status and a truckload of other meaningless distractions. That only removes you from who and what you truly are and from living the art of your life.

“Real life doesn't fit into little boxes that were drawn for it.” ~ Elijah Price, Unbreakable

The Matrix Control System programs people from birth (as they’ve done with your parents and everyone around you) not to think for yourself or to think freely, but to think in a certain way. To adopt the believes they want you to have, so that after many years of going to school aka GIC (Government Indoctrination Camp) where they teach you what to think, what is real and what life is all about. Being a good little consumer, the size of your front door, fake fiat currency: that’s what it’s all about. And the more you slave away at your job, the more you behave like the system wants you to behave, the more you’ll be rewarded with toys and trinkets. You’ll be respected, approved and loved by others. You’ll be a “success.” Whatever that means. In the eyes of the system, that’s what life’s all about. Because that mindset benefits the system, not you. Off course many people think that it does. I mean look at this; I have all these toys and trinkets, I am a free range slave who lives in a big house, drives a nice car and can eat at fancy restaurants (only because other people are put in a position of scarcity and through mind control think that there is no other way around it). All these hedonistic pleasures and comforts will tickle your brain for sure, but when you dig a little deeper, are you actually living the art of your life? Are you truly living a life true to yourself? Have you actually taken the time to re-discover who and what you truly are or have you been swept away by merely feel-good distractions that at the end of the road when you look back on your life haven’t really meant anything?

But I’m only touching the surface here, because many of the things that we think we want aren’t even our own desires. They’re simply desires we’ve copied from the world around us. Other people’s ideas of what makes life great or what is important. How many of those are truly your own?


All of us have been programmed from birth and I am now exception. I was always a very sensitive kid and a social misfit, I just didn’t fit in. And no matter how hard I tried, I always felt that I had to somehow compromise a large part of who I am just to fit in. But fitting in by putting up a mask and putting up an act left me with even a deeper hole in my soul. It made me feel even more alone, because now I was fake-connected with the people around me, but disconnected from myself. And that’s where the feeling of loneliness truly comes from. Not from a lack of people around you. Quit the contrary. You can be surrounded by people, yet feel very alone and isolated. It’s actually much closer to home. I discovered that it’s actually the disconnection from Source/yourself that does this. It all goes so much deeper then we initially think.

Like a Splinter in Your Mind…

I can remember very vividly when I woke up. I was 13 and it was on a dark and cold morning during the wintertime. I was taking a tram towards school aka GIC (Government Indoctrination Camp) and at the tram stop when I got out I stopped for a moment and looked around me. I looked around me and saw so many people with long faces driving towards work, looking all depressed or stressed and I thought to myself: “This is what I’m going to school for? This is my future?!” while I got a very strong inner knowing that this is not the reason why we’re here and that we aren’t living life the way it is supposed to. Something was going on here, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. All I knew is that there was something very wrong with this picture.

Seeing people with long faces going to there slave jobs from 9 to 5, 5 days a week and every week thinking to themselves: “only two more days and it’ll be weekend… (sigh)” was a weird thing for me to witness. Even when I listened to the radio as a kid I always found it weird that the radio host would comment on monday mornings “It’s monday again…” in a defeatist tone of voice. Around wednesday it was “two more days...” and on friday it was always the most significant one to me: “Hurray! It’s weekend!!!” I always found it a very strange thing. We are supposedly the only ones here on earth, but we’ve constructed a system that keeps most people enslaved to a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) that they hate or at best tolerate. What’s the point of that?! Ah yes, the economy. So people constructed an economic system that by design puts the majority of people in scarcity and where you have to pay to be alive. In other words, we as people have a ruler. Those who rule over us. But aren’t we as people sovereign beings?! Yes we are. So why have we created a world in which only a few control the many? Questions, questions… I had so many questions. I didn’t understand jack shit about this world I was living in. It didn’t make any sense to me at all...

To Be Continued.

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amazing.... this post is so awesome.



This was a great read dog, insane shit....

Thanks Plug :)

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