A road map to changing a free republic into a totalitarian state.

in freedom •  7 years ago 

So, you want to rule all of the people?

Here is a plan that worked well in the past and is working well all over the world today.

Nazi Conspiracy and Agression Volume 1 Chapter 7

What is happening in most "free" countries all over the world follows this plan fairly closely. The titles and names are different but the acts are the same.

You might want to look especially at the "Reshaping of education and retraining of youth".

  • Think CPS is out of control?
  • Think the Police are out of control?
  • Think government is going to hell in a hand basket?
  • Think the schools are dumbing down our children?

Maybe it's time to start thinking that just maybe the top levels of government are not complete idiots and that maybe, just maybe, their agenda is quite different than you want to believe.

  • Maybe CPS exists to break up families
  • Maybe police exist to keep people scared and obedient
  • Maybe government is not by, of, and for the people but has been hijacked and is being made to be by, of, and for the wanna be masters
  • Maybe government schools are training camps for obedient citizens, not to educate people and turn them into self confident, capable adults

If you change the agenda then those at the top levels of government no longer look like complete idiots. Would be tyrants for sure... but not idiots.

If we don't start teaching our children some basic things such as rights, law, remedy, liberty, and disobedience to purported authority we will all end up just like the Weimar Republic. Different names to be sure... but no real factual difference other than who is the Fuhrer and what their title is.

Me, I'd rather be the circled guy... but with a torch in one hand and a pitchfork in the other.

Believe the licensed news at your own peril... and that of your children.

Fortunately the rebellion is well under way and more and more people are learning about rights, individual liberty, and mutual co-operation.

Anywise, I just stumbled across this today when looking for a quote that I knew was from Hitler concerning taking over the schools to control the future.

If you think "our" schools are not actually government citizen training camps then you really need to at least consider what John Taylor Gatto has to say on the matter:

(The Underground History of American Education pdf)[http://mhkeehn.tripod.com/ughoae.pdf]

(You tube search)[https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=john+taylor+gatto]

Or watch some of his videos (the book above is also available as a very long video)

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So sad, and so true. The family is the biggest threat to the state and therefore it is being attacked on all sides. Our children are the future, and therefore must be prevented from learning how to derail the program "they" have planned. Knowledge is power, so, naturally, the sheeple can't be allowed to have any.