The Business of the Future

in freedom •  7 years ago  (edited)

6C7E5CCB-5BA7-455C-BABB-1505A38DE24D.jpegThe one misconception most have about Network Marketing, is that you have to be good in sales. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If this is a thought you have about Network Marketing (MLM) , hang with me for a moment because it may be exactly what you’re looking for.

After years of building a business and growing a global organization in this profession and having a plan to get to the top rank of my company, this is what I’ve found what you need to have success.

Connecting with others and building solid, meaningful relationships ✨ My “business” partners are my soul sisters. We support and empower one another to make our goals come to fruition. It’s a pretty beautiful ripple effect when this happens among women. This goes for men too! Right now our world needs more community more than ever. What better way to help people and make a life-changing income at the same time.

Being coach able✨ Many fail in this business because they try to “sell” the products without truly loving them. When they don’t make the money they wish to in the time they expect they give up and blame network marketing. This is one of the hardest businesses I’ve ever built but also the easiest. The progress of your growth is the progress of your self-development. This business will continuously throw you out of your comfort zone and make you grow into the leader you can be. It takes skills to learn how to reconnect with people in a disconnected world. It’s quite simple, listen to what the people have done before you and do it.

Have FUN✨ Arnold Toynbee said it best “The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.” My team has so much fun when we get together. We meet for brunch, play crystal bowls, have dance parties, do make and take’s, go hiking together all while building a business. If you’re not having fun in your network marketing business, you’re doing it wrong.

Sharing your stories✨Living the lifestyle of the company you represent should come organically and easily. The motto in the biz rings true when we say Facts tell, stories sell. I couldn’t live without my company’s products even if they didn’t pay me. You have to absolutely whole heartedly love the products you are representing and helping people get started with their own.

Treating it as a business ✨It’s easy to dismiss the ability to make a seven figure income with only a small investment. To become a distributor in my company its only $160 with the potential of making over $1m a year. It’s hard to take the business seriously for many.
“It’s staying up late and getting up early to plan and strategize what you need to do to grow your business and share your product. It’s finding new and authentic ways to use social media to set yourself apart from the thousands of others who are trying to set the same competitive edge in their same business. It’s constantly learning the most recent updates in your business, adding to your contacts to ensure you are on the path to growing a thriving company, and working on your own personal development of bettering yourself as a business owner.” Regan Long.

Next time your friend asks if you want to see their opportunity, I’d say yes!

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