My Wife's First Experience Getting Pulled Over By a Cop in the U.S.

in freedom •  7 years ago  (edited)


Background: my wife's first language isn't English, but Spanish. She comes from Venezuela, but she speaks near perfect English. She is also here completely legally (we had to pay a lot of money to the government for the K1 (fiancée visa)). She has her driver's license, social security card, etc.

This morning, I noticed my wife looked like she was leaving a little late to get to work. She had about 11 minutes to get there and it's about 10 minutes away (she always leaves 15-20 minutes before work starts).

She called me about 5 minutes before her shift was about to start, telling me she'd just been pulled over by a cop. She said that the way he treated her was terrible. He pulled her over for supposedly not stopping 100% at a stop sign turning right.

I will be the first to admit that I never completely stop unless I see a cop. It's stupid, I'm not 5 years old. I can see if a fucking car is coming while moving at a turtle's pace. Anyway, she said she saw the cop and because of that, she did what I told her and did stop 100% to make sure he wouldn't have a reason to pull her over. He did anyway.

The first thing she did when she got pulled over was call me. When the cop saw she was calling me he asked "Why are you making a phone call?," to which my wife responded, "Am I not allowed to make a phone call?"

The cop apparently got pissed and said "No, when a cop pulls you over you wait for him to come to the car, you do not make a phone call." This is complete horse shit, there is no law that states that you cannot make a phone call when the cop pulls you over. You can actually stay completely silent (I don't recommend this because you will get a ticket) and invoke your 5th amendment right.

(photo credit:

The cop then proceeded to make fun of my wife's name (Roxana.... not that funny) and asked for her insurance, registration, and license. She gave it all to him.

He asked "Do you know what you did?"

She replied, "No."

This must have really pissed him off, because he said "You didn't stop completely at the stop sign."

Roxana said "Yes, I did."

Then the cop said in a raised voice, "YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH A POLICE OFFICER!" (yeah you do.... when what they say is complete BS.)

She told me this on the phone and I was like "Shit, you're going to get a ticket for sure now." I would've been respectful (falsely) to get out of it.

The cop called other cops to come probably intimidate her some more, and after having her embarrassingly sit on the side of the road for one hour, they all let her go with a warning. She called her work and they had to call someone else in to cover her and now she's coming back home, losing what she would've earned today for work. So she was going to work, got pulled over for something so stupid that it wasn't worth it, and now is returning home without going to work. What a morning for her!

Do cops really have NOTHING better to do with their time than intimidate people who have NO priors and are just trying to get to work on time?

The answer is no. Sadly, they really have NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH THEIR DAMN TIME BUT YO RUIN YOUR DAY.


This isn't my usual post, and I'm kind of pissed because I know if I were in the car with her, things would've gone much more smoothly. The cop played to my wife's lack of understanding how cop psychology works in the U.S. to make her feel intimidated and even belittled her, making fun of her name.

I might lose some followers saying this, but right in my homepage it says I'm an anarcho-capitalist, which means I don't like fucking cops. Not for petty bullshit like maybe not stopping 100% at a damn stop sign when nobody was coming. We need to get rid of these failed policies. Nobody was injured, and nobody's life was put in danger. What my wife did was a victimless "infraction of the law." I won't even call it a crime. The police have a monopoly on the use of force in the U.S. If you don't like it, they will lock you in a cage.

Anyway guys, sorry for the rant but I am rather passionate about stopping assholes like this guy from doing this to people.

Thanks for stopping by, hopefully my next post is a positive one.


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I'd be pissed too if a cop treated my wife that way. It's hard to say if there was bias involved because of your wife's accent or anything like that. Maybe, maybe not, because some cops are so easily triggered by any perceived pushback from the person they just stopped and detained for allegedly breaking a law with no victim. It's a great example of a profession that attracts a certain type of person; a person with a need to control and feel in power.

Exactly. I couldn't do that job now, maybe 10 years ago being naive...

I'd probably be a pretty terrible cop. I'd constantly be asking myself if an act of aggression happened, if there's a victim, am I violating rights...

There is much useful information on how to prosecute lawless persons, such as you have described here. If you are interested, let me know. 😊

Thank you, if he would've given her a ticket, I would've definitely fought it in court.

The real issue is that most people don't know the truth of the system, how it is designed to work lawfully, and how it is being operated fraudulently. It has become a sad state of affairs that, luckily, has been coming to light and is being publicized. Now, more and more people are learning the truth and how to correct the corruption.

You have to record them and submit a complaint to Internal Affairs, and half the time the PO is out of bounds because he can get away with it, but not if you covertly record just in case it's needed later.

Could be off your phone, or you could buy any number of hidden or in view cameras like a gopro.

I wouldn't put the camera in his face, but have it mounted as your silent witness. Plenty of phone apps that will record in Stealth mode. where your screen is off and LOCKED, but it's recording.

I have 16 cameras around my house and property, so I speak from a place of ... uh, knowledge.

PS, obviously not all cops are bad, but G.Damn I hate a F-ing Bully...

Happy to report them to I.A. where my complaint will sit in their service jacket for the rest of their Carrier....

Thanks for the tip. I will most likely at least record audio if ever pulled over from now on.

Exactly, not all cops are dicks, but this one sure was.

Welcome to the Late Great USA, I won't even change planes there anymore. But take direct flights right over her!
Cheers and good luck :-)

Thanks bud. Yeah if things get bad enough, maybe like Venezuela, I might have to nut up and move to Panama and we can be neighbors lol. Either that or Mexico, or maybe Thailand.

Well I bought land and built a house for $12K, its more expensive now, maybe double?
Id be more than happy to help with the transition, have a spare room for you too.
Come anytime just to check it out here :-)

That's really nice of you man! I've been to Panama, but just in the colonial quarters of Panama City. Very lovely. I don't like that they use the USD but love the country as a whole!

It's changing at an incredible rate, When I first got here it was just like Canada when I was a kid. Wages have doubled in the last 10 years. real-estate about tripled. Not sure where all the money came from, But a world class subway, the new coastal highway built over the water, canal expansion too. Massive high-rises and miles of world class resorts along the gold coast.
But life in the interior has stayed the same for most, The people just have more money to spend :-)
Mostly on Drinking LOL

yeah. if you know the U.S. a little bit then you act totally different. when you trigger someones ego you always will get ego big time back...


maybe the cop thought your wife was Mexican? Since the crack down of illegals in the US lately.

Could have been, but he didn't have to be a dick once he already saw her ID was legit.

maybe there's a unspoken discrimination against latino americans? kinda like what they do to black people? I don't know..just guessing..

Could be. I'm not sure.

yeah, to be honest I try not to focus on that side of it is very negative...I sure it happens but as long as nothing really bad happened...just move on..that's my philosophy... lol