Julian Assange case dropped!

in freedomofpress •  5 years ago  (edited)


The judge is back!

Since his self imprisonment in the embassy that lasted for years. And now his time with her majesties prison services for failure to attend court, for a crime he is no longer considered worthy of pursuing! This shows how bad this whole system stinks!

Here from today's headline.


"Prosecutor says country will not proceed with investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was accused of rape, The Guardian reported.

“After conducting a comprehensive assessment of what has emerged during the course of the preliminary investigation I then make the assessment that the evidence is not strong enough to form the basis for filing an indictment,” the deputy chief prosecutor, Eva-Marie Persson, said."

"The investigation against Julian Assange began in 2010 in Sweden shortly after his arrival. Two women declared violence on his part; Assange did not deny any connection with them, but claimed that everything happened by mutual agreement."

"In August 2017, the Swedish prosecutor's office terminated the investigation in most cases brought against Assange due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. However, in May 2019, the preliminary investigation was resumed. In June, Uppsala district court refused to arrest Assange in absentia, which would enable the authorities to ask Britain to extradite the founder of WikiLeaks, who was imprisoned after being deprived of his right to asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London."

"Extradition of the founder of WikiLeaks is sought by the US authorities, where Assange is accused of publishing names of secret sources and conspiracy with an informant, former military intelligence analyst Bradley Manning. In May, the US Justice Department issued a criminal charge under which Assange faces up to 175 years in prison."

Full article credit link = https://news.am/eng/news/545318.html

This leads on to press freedom.

So I was reading this article today with regards to the Polish judiciary system and the present governments attempts to pervert it towards what ever they think is suitable, in the name of getting rid of corruption, that will lead to even more of the same, or more corruption, control the narrative and all that jazz. Link https://www.dw.com/en/what-are-polands-controversial-judicial-reforms/a-51121696

Snippet from said article = "On the World Press Freedom Index, the country has fallen from 18th to 59th since the PiS party were elected. "

The more a government controls the press and taints it in their favor, the lower you get ranked on this scale, think of it as a honesty measure if you will https://rsf.org/en/ranking_table

Interestingly the UK is way down at number 33 in their version of so called democracy, the USA is worse at 48th.

Russia who made it illegal for anyone to criticize the state or government, and has a iron grip on the broadcasting media is way on down as Elvis sang at 149th place.

The way I see it, and you are entitled to see it anyway you want, is the treatment or appearance of bad treatment with regards to Assange, is to shut up investigative journalists. All that is required is copy paste hacks, that get their news and views from Reuters. Own the narrative, own the world!...

Some say it is all a big con job, Assange, maybe it is, maybe it is not, I can not prove it either way, I get to see what you get to see. Either way, it is a great way to silence dissenting journalists, and lead us to a dystopian nightmare of follow thy leader journalism, with no reality attached to it!.

As many links as you can consume here = https://www.newsnow.co.uk/h/Hot+Topics/People+in+the+News/Julian+Assange?type=ln

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