Freedom Tuesday #34

in freedomtuesday •  5 years ago 

Look at us, dear reader, we've made it to #34.

Yet, we haven't managed to bring to fruition the intent of beating on this drum.

I don't get discouraged, though.
Plenty of folks went to their graves singing this same song over the last 150 years of trying to free ourselves from those that think it is ok to rule over others by force, and/or deception.

Here is a book from 1905 that reads as if it was written about today, but this has been ongoing for over 100 years.
It existed then, it didn't stop existing in the interim, it is in the news now.

They don't tell you that in skool, eh?


So, I am sure you are asking just how we manage a world without the boots of the bankster's on our faces.
Where we have to make our own decisions, and suffer their ramifications.

It is really much easier than what you would think.
Most of the decision making will be decentralized.

Instead of road pirates forcing you swallow rules, you will be free to do as you please, subject only to your circumstances.


I know that leaves a lot of latitude, but freedom is just like that, when you can actually take some for yourself.

Freedom is often not pretty, that is just the price of living in a world where some are broken.
The solution is in minimization.
Elimination is not possible, nor optimal, if you ask enough people.

In the interests of full disclosure I should mention that we have had freedom in the past, and those that can't be held accountable have screwed it up for the rest of us.

If punishment was swift, and sure, we wouldn't be having all these problems.
There wasn't a lot of crime in the wild west, just as much as was tolerated by those in any given area.


If you acted up in the wrong places, retribution was swift and final.
If you acted out in the right places you got away with being a dick.
Hooray for you.

I don't see us going full wild west, there is no real need to go back there, but I do see one heck of a lot more freedom coming your way, soon.

If you would like to get an idea of what that is going to look like, I refer you to a better educated man than me.
He is better with words than I can be, his education dwarfs mine.


With Anarchy as an aim and as a means, Communism becomes possible.
Without it, it necessarily becomes slavery and cannot exist.
Petr Kropotkin

He has a long list of books.

If I had to narrow it down some, I would start here, this one is short.

This one is not much longer, and hits right to the heart of the matter.

Words of a Rebel is necessarily longer, but a must read if you are calling yourself an anarchist.

His best known work may be The Conquest of Bread.
It was the one that clued me in that continuing to work, while refusing to buy that work back from somebody that didn't do any work, is the monkey wrench capable of toppling the crapitalust pyramid.


They can't put us all in jail.
They can't lock us out of all the factories.
And, if by chance they did, they can't take away our minds, without killing us.

Stop putting your effort into a system demonstrated to enslave you, eh?


In fact, if you fancy yourself as an anarchist amongst your friends, and have read nothing from this list please do us all a favor and stop making achieving this goal harder for those of us that have read the history of the movement.

Some of us are working hard to keep those fine folks from having died without having their words heard by enough people that understood the full context of them.
If you knew the freedom available to your taking, you would never vote in another selection, ever again.


Try this one on, if think you can contend for the title, anarchist.

It takes more than not wanting to follow rules and painting (A)'s on other people's stuff.

You might want to adopt a new word, once you have become aware of the sacrifices of people that used that word before you, and gave it historical meaning.

The only thing an-crap is is BS.
An-crap is a contradiction in terms, except for the morons that refuse to read the history of anarchism, because they are not anarchists.

GD, now you got me going,....

I gotta contract, I won't be around as much.


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