Quartz Crystal considered Eternal Ice sent by the heavenly gods? Fire and Ice? The Piezoelectric Effect and the Energy of Crystals. Did ancient Egypt harness the free energy possibilities to build the pyramids?

in freeenergy •  last year  (edited)

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Eternal Ice sent by the heavenly gods?

Why have quartz crystals been a huge inspiration to so many people including Nikola Tesla?

Tesla stated,

In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being.

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Did Tesla believe these crystals had the key to unlocking a new era of energy production?

One that could revolutionize the way we power our homes, businesses and cities?

Were Tesla's insights far ahead of his time? You decide!

Can you create anything you desire by harnessing the energy around you?

Did not Teslas say to think in terms of Energy, Vibration and Frequency?

Did Tesla know you need to match the frequency of what you wish to attract into your life?

Did Tesla study the resonance and oscillation of quartz crystals?

What if the vibrations could be used to treat the human body?

Would those who wish to control humanity want to keep such information out of the knowledge base of humans?


Are quartz crystals the highest vibrational objects found on earth?

The thinner the crystal cut the higher the frequency of oscillations?

Do your thoughts have a frequency?

Do your thoughts create your emotions and feelings which also have a frequency?

What if the frequency of your emotions is projected into the energy field of your body and then reflected to you and processed through your own energy centers known in many cultures as chakras?

Just as chakras re related to a specific color, do crystals also have energies, frequencies that vary depending on color?

What about the variances in crystalline structure, mineral content and where they have formed?

Can quartz crystals assist in rebalancing and harmonizing mental, physical and spiritual issues?

Can this bring greater clarity to an individual?

Can they enhance one's well being if matching their resonance and vibration?

Can they help balance the frequency in one's energy field.

Can they be used as tools to support and heal one's mental, physical and emotional well being?

Are you constantly emitting signals, energy and frequencies through your thoughts?

Are they not still there even when people are not aware of this?

Can a clear quartz intensify and stabilize the frequencies you are emitting?

Remember, Nikola Tesla stated,

There seems to be no philosophical necessity for food. We can conceive of organized beings living without nourishment, and deriving all the energy they need for the performance of their lifefunctions from the ambient medium. In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being. There may be, besides crystals, other such individualized, material systems of beings, perhaps of gaseous constitution, or composed of substance still more tenuous. In view of this possibility,--nay, probability, we cannot apodictically deny the existence of organized beings on a planet merely because the conditions on the same are unsuitable for the existence of life as we conceive it. We cannot even, with positive assurance, assert that some of them might not be present here, in this our world, in the very midst of us, for their constitution and life-manifestation may be such that we are unable to perceive them.

For thousands of years it has been known the ancients have utilized crystals to release mental, physical and spiritual blockages thus facilitating the free flow throughout the body.

On a cellular level both crystals and the human bodies are both made up of mineral silicone dioxide.

Is this why humans are naturally receptive to the vibrations of crystals as they transmit, reflect, store light and receive energy?

Is this why the ancient Egyptians may have used quartz crystals to pursue free energy technologies?

Is this in part how they were able to build such phenomena known as the pyramids?
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Did you know that if obsidian solar cells were laid out and a copper bottom sled was given the same positive charge as the surface layer of the obsidian, because like charges repel, the sled could hover millimeters above the part while carrying a considerable, but not extreme load.

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As obsidian stones are not sealed against the elements, they won't work when wet, so even high humidity will reduce their output.

When sand however, is wet and compressed, it will supply a small amount of current due to the piezoelectric effect which is caused by crystals being placed under mechanical strain and sand is mainly composed of quartz crystals.

Could this effect been used to provide power by electric luminescent light at night for pharaohs and temples of the old kingdom of Egypt?

Remember, the piezoelectric effect is the property of a crystal by which mechanical stress produces electrical charges and conversely, electric charges produce mechanical stresses.

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Were they built as energy storage to provide light for the temples and energy for other purposes?

It was know that the top portion of a pyramid could be used to power the light throughout the rainy season.

Were stones taken from the pyramid throughout the night and allowed to slide down a series of slopes and impact with wet sand to provide a path of temple lighting?

What if during the dry season the stones were replaced when the solar panels would be most efficient.

This could work in a way of modern energy storage designs that use concrete blocks instead of stone.

As larger and more elaborate temples were built, larger pyramids were required to power them culminating in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is 139 meters tall and weighs 5.5 million tons.

Many geologists have stated that Arkansas and Brazil have the best quality quartz on earth!

Their vibrational frequency equals 786,000 pulses per millisecond.

Result of their unique molecular structure composed of Silicon and Oxygen atoms arranged in a precise lattice pattern.

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Quartz forms a crystalline structure.

When subjected to external factors like temperature or pressure changes, the crystal lattice undergoes vibrational oscillations producing a consistent and predictable frequency.

This high vibrational frequency of quartz crystal presents opportunities for harvesting their energy in diverse applications.

Piezoelectricity is a phenomenon found in certain quartz crystals.

Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials—such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins—in response to applied mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and latent heat.

Piezoelectric materials generate voltage when subjected to mechanical stress.

The vibrational oscillations of quartz crystals can induce a piezoelectric effect converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

This holds significant implications for energy harvesting technologies.

The exceptional vibrational properties of quartz crystals have also garnered attention in the realm of Resonate Frequency Applications.

By capitalizing on the precise vibrational frequencies of quartz crystals,
resonate circuits of devices can be created to enhance the transmission, reception and manipulation of signals across various frequencies.

In 2002 Israeli researchers made a ground breaking discovery concerning the pineal gland which carries profound implications for our understanding of consciousness and perception.

Within and on the pineal gland they identify two types of crystals that act as tuners or resonators responsive to sound.

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These crystals exhibit the piezoelectric effect releasing a positive charge when stimulated.

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This suggests that sound waves converted by the pineal gland can generate blue light.
Potentially influencing our seeds of consciousness.

The interplay between the vibrational properties of quartz crystals and their significance in the pineal gland adds another layer of intrigue to our understanding of these extraordinary minerals.

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Further exploration into these phenomena may unlock new insights into these intricate relationship between
vibrational energy
consciousness and the found capabilities of quartz crystals.

Did Nikola Tesla grasp he profound significance of energy, frequency and vibration in unraveling the mysteries of the universe?

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Remember when he stated, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration!"

The potential of the enigmatic properties of quartz crystals?
You decide!

Does the interplay between energy, frequency and vibration lie at the core of our understanding of the physical world?

Is not energy~ the driving force behind all phenomena. . .
the essence that permeates every aspect of existence?

Frequency refers to the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.
This provides a measurement of oscillation or repetition.

Vibration which is closely intertwined with frequency, represents the dynamic motion or oscillation of objects or particles.

Does the profound implications of Tesla's insight extend to the realm of quartz crystals?

These crystals with their exceptional vibrational properties offer a tangible connection to the principles Tesla espoused.

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Quartz crystals vibrate at astonishing frequencies.

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Crystals have a pulse rate of appx. 786,000 per millisecond
making them the highest vibrational objects on earth.

By recognizing the implications of Energy, Frequency and Vibration
Tesla implied that understanding these principles could unlock profound secrets about the universe.

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Could these frequencies of quartz crystals hold untapped energy reserves
and offer avenues for harnessing energy in innovative ways?

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The vibrational properties of quartz crystals may have implications beyond their energy potential.

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Frequencies and vibration play a critical role in the transmission and reception of signals.

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They also play a critical role in electromagnetic phenomena and the resonance of systems.

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What about the living essence of quartz crystals?

Did Nikola Tesla produce a thought provoking concept when he contemplated the existence of a life principle inherent in crystals?

Stated by Tesla,
"In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being."

Was the knowledge of this why ancient civilizations were pursuing free energy and technologies

Do quartz crystals possess an inherent life force?

Luke 19:37-40
King James Version
37 And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;

38 Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

These properties of quartz crystals defy conventional definitions.

How do crystals interact with energy and their environment?

What are the intricate mechanisms that govern the behavior and potential applications of quartz crystals?
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Throughout history, quartz crystals have been utilized and revered in ancient cultures for their metaphysical properties and healing energies.

Energy based healing modalities?
Are we approaching a time when hidden tech only reserved on used on those who perceive themselves to be the elite, will be uncovered and be able to be used for the masses of humanity rather than just the few?

Did the Egyptians and Atlanteans use quartz crystals in their pursuit of Free Energy Technology?

Did they understand and harness the properties of crystals and integrate them into their technological advancements?

Their knowledge and utilization of quartz crystal provides compelling evidence of the recognition of the potential life force within these extraordinary minerals.

Quartz crystals are not limited to esoteric phenomena.
They are found in every day devices.

  • Modern day clocks and watches rely on quartz crystals for precise time keeping.

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  • Microprocessors, the intricate brains of our electronic devices utilize quartz crystals to maintain stable frequencies and synchronize various operations.

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  • Liquid Crystal Displays [LCD's] which are found on monitors, displays used for tv, phones, tables, you name it are able to exist due to the polarizing effects of quartz crystals.

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Quartz crystals are indispensable in our technologically driven world!

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Quartz crystals role in technology raises intriguing questions about the untapped potential of these crystals as energy sources.

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Given their vibrational properties and
their ability to store and transmit energy
it is plausible to consider the applications of quartz crystal
in the realm of energy generation!

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The concept of using quartz crystal as free energy sources is not entirely unfounded.

  • Crystal Powered Motor Cells seemingly defy the established principles of energy conservation.

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  • These motor cells allegedly operate for extended periods providing mechanical output without an observable energy input.

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Do these claims challenge traditional energy sources?

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Whose benefit is it to keep humanity in the dark about this?
So not really future technology as quartz crystals have been around since ancient times.

How did those pyramids get built do you suppose? Really?

Who said,

"Who controls the energy can control whole continents. . .?"

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Is there now a renewed interest in exploring alternative avenues for energy generation?

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Mark Cummings a University Professor made a remarkable discovery in quartz crystals which revealed their remarkable amplification capabilities.

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Through an experiment Cummings discovered that by wrapping copper wire around a quartz crystal and channeling energy into it, the crystal yielded a surprising outcome.

The crystal emitted 30% more energy than what was produced!

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Once this professor figured this lab it was allegedly raided by unmarked men and all of his lab equipment confiscated.

Cummings is still in court today trying to get his equipment back.

This has inspired people to build quartz powered motors that have been running for 5 years non stop!

Is this one of the reasons crystals have been used in healing ceremonies for centuries?

Tesla stated,
In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being .”

Is this why those who perceive themselves to be "the powers that be" and in control demonize natures beautiful artwork and attempt to get humanity to consent to their synthetic creations for healing?

How do you take your attention off of every device, every physical item, place, stuff [i.e. the 3d realm of the physical] and put it on the unified field?
Take your thoughts OFF of the physical plane and stuff then you will be in the Present moment of exponential possibilities.

In other words, no time, no space, no past, no future the soul has to pass through different layers of emotions which have memories [so time and space attached to them] that are different frequencies that are carrying different information.
Those layers of emotion have become one's identity, but the soul does not have to assume or keep that identity.

One can become pure consciousness when they traverse these different layers of memories or frequencies and no longer associate with their 3d reality because they can Rise above the pain, division, frustration.

Will Limited Land, Water, and Energy Control Human Population Numbers in the Future?


If where you place your attention is where you place your energy, then you are disinvesting all of your attention and energy off of this 3 dimensional reality.

Off of everything that's known and your making a choice to go to a field where all possibilities exist~

  • the unknown
  • the quantum field

There are tiny calcium carbonate crystals in the pineal gland that are stacked on top of each other.

In the shape of Rhombohedrons stacked on top of each other.

Research shows these have piezoelectric properties.
Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials—such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins—in response to applied mechanical stress.[2] The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and latent heat. It is derived from Ancient Greek πιέζω (piézō) 'to squeeze or press', and ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) 'amber' (an ancient source of electric current).

According to Science Direct,

Piezoelectric property is due to atomic scale polarization. In theory, piezoelectricity refers to a reverse process in which a contraction or elongation is created in the crystal once it is positioned in an electric field. Crystals can only be piezoelectric if they are non-centrally symmetric. The piezoelectric effect can convert a mechanical vibration into an electric signal or vice versa.

It is widely used in resonators, controlling tip movement in scanning probe microscopy, sensor for vibration waves in air and under sea etc. Unlike the ferroelectricity or ferromagnetism, piezoelectricity can be preserved with a possibility of enhanced performance on the nanometer scale, which is due to the free boundary for volume expansion/contraction.

When you apply mechanical stress to these crystals, it creates an electrical charge in the crystal.

The compression begins to polarize the ends of the crystal with a positive charge and a negative charge.

Remember, when you polarize a crystal with a positive and negative charge~
you have a magnet!

All of a sudden as you compress these crystals, the mechanical stress creates an electrical field.

That field actually expands until the crystals can't stretch any longer.
Then the field reverses.
When the field reverses it actually exerts a pressure against the crystals again,
which causes the crystals to expand.
Next thing you know you have a radio receiver.

You switch on the brain's radio receiver and now the brain can tune in the frequencies beyond the senses.

The mystical gland the pineal?
Research states it's a transducer.

A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Usually a transducer converts a signal in one form of energy to a signal in another.

Or Oxford Dictionary states,

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So like a television antenna?
What did they create the Tell a Vision Box for after all?

The transducer used in television transmission works on the principle of the photoelectric effect.
transducer is an electronic device that converts light energy to electrical energy in television. When light falls on photosensitive element electric current is generated that is measured directly or after amplification. Similarly, photoelectric effect is the ejection of electrons from a metal or semiconductor surface when illuminated by light or any radiation of suitable wavelength.


So taking energy from one form and turning it into pictures.

Is this why the pineal gland is called the third eye because you have an inner vision?

Remember when Jacob wrestled with the angel?
What did he call that place?

Genesis 32:24-30 KJV
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Do you find that interesting?

So your inner vision is More Real than the outer world?

The brain is picking up energy from the unified field and transducing it into profound energy.

Once again, the brain can tune in the energy Beyond the senses.
So basically a mystical transcendental moment?
You decide!

Does your personality create your personal reality?
Is your personality based on how you

  • think
  • act
  • feel?

Then if you keep thinking, acting and feeling the same way don't you just keep repeating the same habits?
Sometimes getting more of what you do Not want?
Almost like an infinity symbol or sideways 8?
Do those thoughts, feelings, emotions create the same experience over and over?

So stagnant because Nothing changes UNTIL you choose to change it up!

When you keep your thoughts, responses, feelings the same way does your biology tend to get rigid?

What if you didn't need to wait for crisis and trauma to change?

By mid life people are very programmable.
Is the way to change to become conscious of How We Think?
Become very aware of what how we behave?
Become very aware of what our habits are including
how we speak as words are powerful and directing our mind and biology into manifesting what we are saying?

After all, it was the Word that was there in the beginning as per John 1:1
John 1:1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Can people begin to identify emotions they live by every day that may be creating negativity or the outcome we do not want?

Are people generally to distracted whilst tuning into their numerous devises, social media, news, work, family and so distracted by the environment they don't identify these ingrained habits which lead to programming our biology or our 3d selves?

What if people removed themselves from the constant stimuli in their environment on a daily basis which reminds them of Who they Think they are?
Sort of a vacation from their problems?
Check it out from a great classic~
What About Bob PD Clip.wmv

Would people be better able to identify their habits and not just repeat the programming or who they Think they are? You decide!

Multiple M class solar flares in 2023 when you didn't see many of them prior?

New energy on the Electromagnetic Spectrum to shake people up and jar their consciousness? #ExpandYourThinking perhaps as the Mil Intel drops were foretelling people back in 2017?

So earthquakes not only in Gaia, but also in the body, in people's timelines as a reminder all is changing UP?

Is all the added light exposing the darkness? #DarkToLight perhaps?

Is all of the shaking up removing all that is no longer needed from our consciousness collectively? You decide!

Sort of a purging, new found energy and being uplifted into a new timeline? New Earth? Dawn of a Golden Age perhaps that will help humanity rather than those who have attempted to control for eons?

Will those who do not see the Light and rise above get caught in a lot of turbulence?


Is the math starting to catch up with the fact that you could be living in a Sim?

Mathematically is it possible we are in a simulation?

As all have their own energy~ Soul Energy,
Does not this soul energy remain in a pure, neutral state until it is activated?

What activates it?

Does it then go through a process of transmitting as light from your soul?

As this light makes it's way into this 3d [which is a denser reality of form}~ Remember, what did God create this 3d realm on earth out of?
Was it Form and Voic?
Check it~ Genesis 1:2
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Therefore from consciousness as this light makes it's way into this realm it becomes waveform also known as photons.

Is this supported from the Science community here on earth?

As this light energy stays in waveform, is it nothing more than Potentials?

These are all of the potentials of what it Could be until it is observed by a conscious being.

Then this waveform once observed by a conscious being then transforms into particles. Which are seen as atoms, molecules In our perception field, taking shape as trees, mountains or whatever reality we are creating for ourselves.

Does this make the observer who exists due to consciousness as everything needed, required to turn the void into form?

Does anything really exist until it is observed?

Does it not really exist util there is consciousness and you the human believe, think or want to have happen?

Then suddenly your experience is created?
Are You the master of your own ship?

Does this lead to the knowledge that everything is communication and all communicate with each other?

Would not all be communicating and working within our own energy fields?

Is there a way for energy to serve each and all of humanity as a whole?

Are there things done in this realm by the controllers and gatekeepers to keep people from this self realization?

Will their energy begin to flow naturally once each soul accepts themselves as energy beings and realizes their unlimited potential to tap into their own energy?

Do humans need to come to the realization that it is Their energy and they are worthy of it?

Does much in this world attempt to distract and syphon off your energy?

Where your Attention Goes, the energy flows.

Who are people allowing to take their attention, and therefore; their energy?

You know who!

Is the Greatest fear humanity actually has is the realization of their own power?

Are they aware almost on an akashic level of those who have abused power, possibly even themselves previously so they tend to shy away or even hide from themselves in the fear that such power will be abused yet again?

Do they need to trust themselves?

Do others who are fearful of their own power and want everyone else to fear like them, treat those who do realize and use their power with spite and hatred?

Have you yourself witnessed this or witnessed it happening to others?

Is consciousness pure awareness with no energy?

Did it create energy from the I Am awareness?

You decide!

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Is the entire journey on earth about how to get consciousness and energy to work together towards singularity?

In the angelic realms was it not about trying to understand what is energy?

In the 3d realm has it allowed us to slow it down and condense it as this realm is more dense and learn about energy more deeply and intensely?

So not just ethereal as in the other realms.

Once you understand your own consciousness, and that the energy is your's, you understand your unlimited potential.
It's like stepping Outside of the Box and programming.
You do Not have to give your consent away

For your bio vessel, are you actually 80% Electrolytic fluid?

#FreeEnergy, #QuartzCrystal, #PiezoelectricEffect, #AncientEgypt, #Pyramids, #AncientCivilizations, #AncientTechnology

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A Tipler Cylinder uses a massive and long cylinder spinning around its longitudinal axis. The rotation creates a frame-dragging effect and fields of closed time-like curves traversable in a way to achieve subluminal time travel to the past.

Civilizations with the technology to harness black holes might be better advised to leave wormholes alone and try the time-warp method suggested by U.S. astronomer Frank Tipler. He has a simple recipe for a time machine: First take a piece of material 10 time the mass of the Sun, squeeze it together and roll it into a long, thin, super-dense cylinder – a bit like a black hole that has passed through a spaghetti factory. Then spin the cylinder up to a few billion revolutions per minute and see what happens.

Tipler predicts that a ship following a carefully plotted spiral course around the cylinder would immediately find itself on a "closed, time-like curve." It would emerge thousands, even billions, of years from its starting point and possibly several galaxies away. There are problems, though. For the mathematics to work properly, Tipler’s cylinder has to be infinitely long. Also, odd things happen near the ends and you need to steer well clear of them in your timeship. However, if you make the device as long as you can, and stick to paths close to the middle of the cylinder, you should survive the trip!

