Fifth Minimalist Piece: A response

in freeformthinking •  6 years ago 

Wiki shows me this is smart casual, care of Google US of A.

The dress code is smart casual? And, what should that mean to someone who lives in the land of the Further Festival bus—you know, the Kesey types!

I’m not sure I can handle another round of digital transformation, that’s why I spent the day at the beach, lying my old body right down in the sand. And, now my son is here being a teen, so I'll see what he needs.

Now, maybe, if that bridge were wrapped in the softest heft of velvet.
Answer, ALL of the above, 1, 2 & 3, nothing wrong with brevity. A lazy student answers in far less than the allotted 1500, more a day for epsom salt soaks.

PS, and then there's this:

Kesey Photo credit: Creative commons/right click to go
Video Credits: Yakf15h and MANNA/youtube

I did take my own video, but tech difficulties prevent me from uploading wifi style, no cord, not enough space on the photo clouds? Go figure!

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The Lord Mayor of Bretley Green is proud to award Kimberlylane FIRST PRIZE for the Best Bridge Design of His Life. Congratulations! We loved your respect for the sensitve toes of our Mr. Wallace. We invite you to the grand opening which will be held at our side of the bridge coming July, when the Lord Mayor himself will be handing you your prize of a patio-size load of cement of bridge building quality (amount may vary depending on what's left). Casual dress code applies.

I was there when you made your video. And was wondering before hand how to indeed get the logistics right on one of my own I was making (of a pond!). Kept on hearing that one had to be made. At least you docked us now outside Steemit and we have one line out.

I watch the video for Scorps and:
Indeed OMG: Two swans landed on the pond after I videoed it! Monday.
Did I already tell you?
Great reader, seldom found.
What is not accurate about the reading!!
Even the Maori names she slips in are references to the Corbenoit account made in 2003 for Project Perlesvaux (will be clear to you soon).

I like blue ribbons!
My place, but not my hand on that video. I'm out gathering collage materials, sometimes feeling like a blind mole, but with Trust all comes and speaks to me.
No, you didn't tell me about the swans, but I love that all the threads are figuring in!

Upvote for further vibes and beware the ♍ Virgo draws nearer!

Posted using Partiko Android

A very personal little post, some of it over my head in allusions and innuendo. I see you only used three of your five tags. I would recommend adding some of the new Tribe Coins tags, they might start giving you new coin. I use Neoxian and Creativecoin, for creative writing like my poems. Planet is another one. Free coin just for using the tags.
Are you a Scorpio Sun sign? Don't have to answer if you're feeling secretive lol. Astrologer is my other vocation, besides dreamer and word juggler.

Yes, it is a personal post, but still here for all to see :) Thanks for stopping in.
I haven't heard of adding the coin tags. Thanks for the advice.
Yes, I am a Scorpio sun and moon and also mercury.
What sign are you?

Wow that's a big dose of Scorpio. I have Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, with Moon in Capricorn, quite different from Scorpio.
Yes you can add the coin names as tags and you can receive some of their coins, which are visible at - your wallet with coins, as well as all the many new coins coming out on the Steemit blockchain. I called the one coin "Planet" but it's actually "Palnet". A very popular one lately.