Tales From the Statist Servile Society: Private Codes

in freemarket •  6 years ago 

I work as a sprinkler fitter, installing fire sprinkler systems. Mostly commercial but some nice ass residential beach houses. I live in the south and work toe to toe with amazing people that closed minded bigots say they hate for the color of their skin. I have to deal with bureaucratic state inspectors and fire marshals. I also know that "government" only makes my job harder and more stressful.

Working in construction, one will definitely come across the dreaded state inspector. The organization that made the codes we install our pipe by are called NFPA. National Fire Protection Association. This is a private organization that creates and maintains safety standards. Local "governments" adopt and enforce these standards to create jobs for bureaucratic pencil pushers who then extort money from businesses by way of unnecessary fines.

Let me stress the fact that the NFPA is a private trade association. When people ask the question: "who will regulate this," or who will make that safe?" Not government, that's for damn sure. There are more examples of this. If im not mistaken, Underwriters Laboratories, and National Association of Manufacturers are private. UL has a stamp on pretty much every electronic in your home and has set the standard for safety.

Yes "governments" adopt these standards and enforce them. That would be the next argument. "Ok, they can make standards but without "government" who would enforce them."

A simple answer of "the market" should suffice but economics is boring for most normal people and as a result understanding of market forces is slim to none.

Basically businesses have an incentive to have their building not fall down. Who would have thunk it huh? Also, businesses tend to get better deals on insurance when they have fire suppression systems installed. Same thing with goods sold. The trade associations will still be utilized because entrepreneurs have incentive to provide quality goods and services.

"Governments", on the other hand, don't have incentive to improve because their services are compulsory. When the "customer" is coerced into using the product or service why would the provider need to improve it? There is a monopoly because no one else is allowed to compete in an open market and the State can make up all kinds of bullshit rules to enforce this. The U.S. postal service is a shining example of State-run monopoly that has not improved in a long time. Lysander Spooner tried to compete with the monopoly of the USPS. I shouldn't say tried. He was doing a way better job at the time. That didn't last very long.

The sole purpose of "government" is to control, kill and enslave. How the hell would any bureaucrat know the first thing about what it takes to safely build a foundation or wire a 210 outlet? The next time someone says, "government keeps us safe," tell them its quite the opposite. All they care about is using safety codes to extort money from businesses.



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