What is wrong with healthcare?

in freespeachfriday •  6 years ago  (edited)

In honor of free speech friday:

So today, I would like to speak briefly about healthcare in the US.

First, earlier this week was put on one medication for inflammation in my lung. Which as x ray revealed, my lungs are perfectly healthy. So, looking back makes no sense why I was put on a steroid again.

Next, they listen to my lungs which leads to x ray. Ive been complaining of lingering chest cold for two weeks, so now that this whole insurance billing extravaganza(you can litterally see $$ in their eyes) is completed here we are with the simple outcome bronchitis. Which is the question initially asked two weeks ago.


So, get into pharmacy patiently wait behind a lady with obviously a sick child. Keeping me company by sporadic waves "hi" while waiting in line for 30 minutes. I get upto counter and wait for a few minutes while pharmacist looks for order. They smile and ask are you hungry? Excuse me? No, I'm not hungry. Well it wont be ready for another 45 minutes.

So I tried to pay for my antibiotics before leaving in which they denied me to pay in advance. Why? So I leave and return at desired time. Its ready. Well usually I get some kind of generic, because usually all my insurer approves. But today, i get the cadillac of antibiotics.. which costed them $140 of the 170. Geesh.

So finally home tired as heck, get medicine out of the bag. I'm right about to get something to drink, when the pharmacy called to tell me I cant take this until the medication that was erroneously given for inflammation has passed through my system.

I beg to ask the question, what the hell is happening to the healthcare in this country? It seems to me as if doctors have abandoned the hermetic oath they took, in exchange for fist fulls of cash from the assignment money they are offered from lucrative salesmen and insurers.

More troubling is that homeopathic (preferred route) is highly discouraged by the medical communities. Why? What is wrong with homeopathic approach?


So when the pharmacist stated that homeopathic remedies is akin to folklore, thats when the outburst cames. What? You mean the alchemists of earlier times the sages, the shamans, the scribe they knew nothing? So everyone means to tell me that this means crap? No these people gave birth to many medicines and "facets" of "science."

Explain it to me. Explain how earlier individuals where less efficient than some inept "health official" that did not listen to subject? Furthermore, what shaman would charge their subject for healing? Yea, every way i look at it i see these different tangents that demonstrate how we humans have perverted the many gifts given to us.

To me, I'm starting to see that science and healthcare is a religion much of its own. One i entrust i will never practice.

So this is my rant:
Screw healthcare the way it's setup, it's terrible. Terrible. We need to either petition to:

  • a better system
  • or better grounds for rescheduling naturally recurring plants (fungi) that have been clinically proven to work for centuries.

I guess nobody cares that FDA and our wonderful gov declares war on homeopathic solutions? Will it be so, that the industry will insist on "psych evaluations" for those insisting on homeopathic or wholistic paths?

The day will come where we will no longer ingest a plant for food or healing. It'll be just some synthetic compound concocted by a company, distributed to pharmacies, marketed to doctors, finally landing in your cabinet. Enjoy the synthetic reality these sick people have woven for you.

mic drop

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I hear ya...i think you can relate to my last post hahaha

It seems to me as if doctors have abandoned the hermetic oath they took, in exchange for fist fulls of cash from the assignment money they are offered from lucrative salesmen and insurers.

This transition became apparent to me as a child in the 70's. They fattened their wallets at the expense of my father as my mother punished him for leaving her by many unnecessary medical visits, including a major leg operation on me that I didn't need.

I watched the medical community rob my dad's soul for decades till he passed, which I lay the cause to them for happening.

Their pimping of pharmaceutical poisons typically erode one of their health as the side effects in turn need treatment, and I will not be convinced it was not designed this way purposely. Used car salesman got nothing on these greedy folks. They have the blessing of daddy gubmint though as they use us as guinea pigs while making us subsidize the experimentation.

I will now be; my own healer. I'll register with dea/fda/ otherwise big brother with my "best interest in mind" as a priest. No more. Otherwise i hope most common side effect is death in their new drugs... maybe this insane religion will die off.

--edit: death / sideeffect meaning people will fear using it.

