The Biggest Freedom Of Speech Advocates don't Care About Free Speech At All

in freespeech •  8 years ago 

The Biggest Freedom Of Speech Advocates don't Care About Free Speech At All

In this live stream I will be going over some of the most popular YouTubers who advocate for "free speech" but in reality don't actually care at all about any speech but their own. These alt media people are SJW's and they engage in meaningless "free speech" protests while ignoring actual major freedom of speech violations.

I also cover how Twitter suspended @An0nkn0wledge for no good reason and I ask people to ask twitter to reinstate his account. Here is the article on steemit he wrote about it:

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Links to the Videos / Twitter User's / Websites You Saw during this livestream:

  1. Op Serena Shim:
  2. Op Nimr 1: Video Link
  3. Op Nimr 2: Video Link
  4. My Tweet to King Salman:
  5. Judith Poe:
  6. Kaidinn:
    7 Op Nimr:
  7. Op Serena Shim:
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These alt media people are SJW's and they engage in meaningless "free speech" protests while ignoring actual major freedom of speech violations.

Someone should ask Lauren Southern and "Rebel" Media about the Ottawa Protocol Act law that makes any criticism of (apartheid State) Israel a HATE CRIME! They have completely ignored it!

They don't care about freedom of speech at all (except when it affects their spreading of massive propaganda)

They are clearly Zionist shills to the bone!

Keep spitting truth @titusfrost CHEERS

ImperatorTruth Titus Frost tweeted @ 07 Oct 2015 - 03:46 UTC

#Anonymous - #OpNimr @KingSalman You need to release Ali Nimr, too late to #ExpectUs to retaliate. Show some mercy.…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

i dont trust luke from we are change ,he is always going on about natzis ,doesn't he know the holacost is a lie,hes either a fool or a shill.did you see the video that matt for mankind made about you,he had nothing positive but was still slagging you ,i checked out his page but there was nothing much there except rubbish ,if you have seen it ,what do you say to it and if not, i would check it out as he also mentions your girlfriend ,lets know what you think.