Free Speech Friday 7/27/18; Sovereign Grievances...

in freespeechfriday •  7 years ago 


It's Friday, FRIDAY! Free Speech Friday!

Welcome to another week of Free Speech Friday. Please know that Free Speech Friday wasn't just my idea. It started over a year ago by my activist friend @sonofhightower in Portland on his youtube channel.

Well you know me, No one loves celebrating their freedom of speech more than I do so I couldn't resist helping carry on the tradition of this weekly holiday.

For those who don't know, today is the day that you rant about whatever stupid shit is on your mind. Seriously! Whatever stupid shit you believe in, SPEAK UP! Be passionate about something for once in your life. You only live once. Here in the States we have freedom of speech which is an inherent inalienable right. If that bothers you, then you are probably too stupid to be following me.

For those of you who are new to following me, please know that I don't always post happy humble blogs. I'm not afraid to use EVERY word in the book. I don't discriminate, I HATE EVERYONE!!! As long as I am still alone in the world as an activist being forced to conform with willfully ignorant shitizens who love staying willfully ignorant tip-toeing through life only to arrive safely at death, I will remain a nihilistic misanthropist for the most part. I'm not at all afraid to get rude, nasty, hateful, and outright John Waters raunchy if I have too. Believe me, nobody wants to put some of these fuckers in John Cramer's Jigsaw contraptions more than I do!

Alright now let's bitch!

Today I want to rant about Sovereign grievances. For I have tons of them.

Being a TRUTH finding patriot is one of the hardest things you can be. Especially when everyone around you including your family doesn't take you seriously. The hardest part about being Sovereign is this fact. How can you yourself take being a Sovereign free man on the land seriously when nobody around you even cares nor take you seriously? Have you ever had a shitizen correct you? Like when you refer to your car as your private "automobile" and they call it a vehicle? You tend to just give up and become a nihilistic misanthropist. Now those are some fancy words! This is why these days I pretty much stay focused on myself as I stalk the flock.

For those who don't know, the USA used to be a free country. So why wouldn't you want to take being Sovereign seriously? Sadly, we live in a world where a good 99% of people are fucking stupid! Not just stupid, but WILLFULLY and CONSCIOUSLY stupid!!! Even the most radical activist you might have met, is still a mind controlled shitizen who loves being a slave. Everyone is conditioned to love their slavery. Unless they have been arrested for resisting lawless tyranny, can set shit on fire using only their mind, or can apport jewels from Heaven through a vortex that opens up in the lower jaw of their mouth, they are probably full of shit! Or at least in my case, it doesn't get my attention.

"Great thinkers have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
~Albert Einstein


I try to lead by example leaving a paper trail. With that being said I recommend going back and reading past rants of mine from when I first joined Steemit. I try my hardest not to repeat myself. When I say something and post it that is it, I like to be done with that subject. I think I make it pretty clear about being a Sovereign free man and being quite serious about it. I've started my own political party called the TRUTH Party spreading my vision I call the "NEW" West. If there is no victim there is no crime. That is the law! Going back to the ways of the "old" America but only today with our modern day technology. Rights don't change because of technology advancements.

First thing is, and I am only going to rant about this once, is the fact there is no such thing as a "SOVEREIGN CITIZEN." Remove these two words together like this right now from your literary mind. One means free, the other means slave, and together they contradict each other. Sovereign Citizen was a term coined by the FBI so they can label free men and women and activists as "domestic terrorists" to justify their lawless killing actions against people like me without any due process. Kind of like how Corporate Fascist America has been doing all along!!! So ANY asshole out there soliciting information about being a Sovereign activist and they call themselves a "Sovereign Citizen," they are full of shit and more then likely disinfo agents! So beware...

One grievance I have is documentation. Free men don't have no papers or "government issued" forms of identification. Rolling papers, should be the only papers a free man needs (so I hope you remembered to pack them in your bug out bags). With that being said, it is hard to whip out your Common Law Id and have to explain it to people. I've actually been kicked out of bars before because they carded me and were like, WTF!? We can't accept this, blah blah etc, you need to leave. Well ok you dipshit government slave, I don't want to do business here anyways. I will take my Federal Reserve blood money debt notes somewhere else then buddy! Fuck you!

Another grievance is I don't like calling myself an anarchist. This subject alone shitizens who still have government issued forms of identifications will always be divided on. I don't like calling myself an anarchist. Like a good 90% of anarchists are all pro-crapitalism. They love making money all for themselves just like neo cons. Not me, I hate crapitalism! Anarcho-crapitalism is just another fancy word for greed. All the wealth you would ever need lives inside your heart. Food, water, shelter, transportation are basic human rights NOT commodities. I find calling myself a Sovereign free man to be more radical. Some of you anarchists will beg the differ saying that is what anarchy is, being a free man on the land. Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you. Calling yourself an anarchist makes you a target no different then calling yourself a "Sovereign Citizen."

Another grievance is scam artists. Trying to find help (because I have none and am and have been on my own at this) I've been scammed a couple times myself from those out there claiming to be Sovereigns. Believe me I know, it SUCKS!!! When you are new to this kind of knowledge you can easily be taken advantage of. But you live and learn. Here it is you might hear some of these Sovereign assholes talk about how they themselves need help and that they wished more people would rescind their citizenship and fight along side them in this big fight for freedom, blah blah, etc. Yet, they demand money hustling you, don't have credentials, won't help you edit and word documents, could care less if you actually learn this shit, and overall their services suck!

So what is the solution???

Well, at this point, your guess is as good as mine. Hence why you hear me say a lot that I'm a nihilistic misanthropist for the most part. I remember 5 years ago when I met Fritz Springmeier in Portland. For those who don't know, Fritz Springmeier is the author of the book, Bloodlines of The Illuminati. I remember one time having a conversation with Fritz about what he thought of the Sovereign movement because I was going to do it. I remember him saying something like, "I wrote a book and they threw me in prison." Meaning... Well said! To be honest Fritz is right. There is no solution SMH. He was made into a political prisoner for writing a book exposing these baby blood drinking Nazi fucks. I was left blank with that response of his. He made me feel like such a dumbass too SMH. Believe me I get it, there is no silver bullet. Which is why the Founding Fathers gave us guns. Guns don't make us free but they do give us the ability to fight back. Like Thomas Jefferson, I prefer dangerous freedom to a peaceful tyranny. Anyone with half a brain knows there is no such thing as a "peaceful tyranny." Either way I'm not going to let that stop me. We have to try. Or at least I'm going too. If I can do it I would hope it would encourage others to do the same.


You're not angry enough to quit your job.
You're not angry enough to stop driving your car.
You're not angry enough to stop paying your taxes.
You're not angry enough to be the change you want to see in the world.

Imagine if everyone stopped voting, paying taxes, quit their jobs, and started rescinded their Driver's licenses? Imagine a world where everyone went back to the land and started homesteading growing food and stopped participating in their own personal lawless tyrannical genocide? You would see freedom come back to America pretty fucking quick! So what is stopping you from being free? Please know, that I want you to be free. I want you to be free because I want to be free. If I can free myself then I should be able to help encourage you and others to be free. I can only show you the door, you have to be the one who walks through it.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and do nothing."
~Albert Einstein

Long story short... Being Sovereign isn't easy.

At least I know here on Steemit I'm not alone :-). Thanks for reading!

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg

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I hate how people have this image in their head from watching corporate news and they think they know what they're talking about, based on certain keywords. I mean, I get it, I used to be a news junkie and consumed absurd amounts of what I thought was knowledge ...I'm not saying it's malicious on the consumers part, simply that they haven't questioned what they are spoon feed yet. But I will call it out all the same, right or left. You nailed it on the two words each "side" has some propaganda bullshit image of: anarchist and sovereign. The righties (and centrists who call themselves "liberal, blue wave" and think they are progressive) generally hear "anarchist" and imagine kids in black bloc putting a brick through a window, and seem to think "antifa" is a gang with club membership or some shit. Like, no, kids, "antifa" just means you are anti fascist; if you think the third reich was bad, you're anti fascist. My grandpa who fought for Canada in WWII was anti fascist. Calm yo tits. On the flipside, I've been seeing lefties who literally think "sovereign (citizens, because usually they'll say it that way, and tbh I didn't realize the distinction before, so thanks for that)" are legitimately racist, Nazi, white supremacist terrorists. Again, I'm like, no, kids, sovereign doesn't mean the Klan! And they'll bring up some case of a violent person who said they were sovereign and thinks that represents everyone (without seeing the irony of those broad brush criminalizing thoughts at all). Once I got into it with this argument: uh, you want everyone to obstruct ICE, right? Sovereigns have been doing that for years, using white privilege (if they're white) EXACTLY the way you want us to do, because they can annoy the border patrol checkpoint and probably not get killed or arrested. Witness YouTube compilations of them just taking twenty minutes of video asking over and over, "Am I being detained? Do you have a warrant? Am I being detained?" until the border patrol gives up and lets them pass. That's what we all should be doing instead of just complying! And then they have no argument, but they still believe CNN or whoever told them it meant "racist terrorist."

Thanks for that great response @phoenixwren! Really you can use any creative adjective you want to use for being a Sovereign. Some use the word sentient or sentient being. Some, Like Larken Rose, still are comfortable calling themselves anarchists. Whatever, I don't care. As long as Sovereign and citizen aren't used together you are fine.

🙌 glad i gotta see this good post good post

Thanks bro! The more I elaborate on things the wordier I get and to be honest I have been trying to figure out how to make my posts shorter yet still as effective.

Dude, I think your hairs on fire.....

I think my head is going to explode LOL. I'm just another political prisoner in training. That is pretty much what Fritz meant. You do anything they are just going to throw you in jail. So I get it.

And for rolling papers, I use Big Bambu.

You need to get you a top-o-matic

I do need one of those!

Rainbow Man! you need to start your Friday rants on Monday and break them into 5 parts! lol. I gotta come back and finish this later. great job though!

Howdy Jonboy! I've got a rant prepared for Tuesday inspired by you LOL. I'll try to keep it as clean as I can for you. It will be more of a comedy rant but informative too.

oh wow, that sounds intriguing Rainbow Man, thanks for the headsup!

I'm intrigued. Looking forward to your Tuesday post. This outta be good.

Don't get too excited. I shouldn't of said nothing LOL. It isn't going to be that special. Just something I've had in mind and this Tuesday/Friday twist is perfect for the subject.