Free Speech Friday 8/10/18; The "Gray Man" philosophy is FAKE activism!

in freespeechfriday •  6 years ago  (edited)

It's Friday, FRIDAY! Free Speech Friday!!!

Welcome to another week of Free Speech Friday.

For those who don't know and who are new to following me, Free Speech Friday is the day that regardless of who or what you are, you celebrate your freedom of speech by speaking up. Whatever stupid shit you believe in, SPEAK UP! Let us all hear it. You have a voice too and I am sure you want to be heard. I know I do. Which is why I hope today's rant will inspire some of you reading this to follow suit doing the same.

Free Speech Friday was started over a year ago by my friend @sonofhightower in Portland. I figured why not help carry on the tradition hoping to inspire others to rant along side us as well on Fridays.

Alright so let's bitch!

Today I want to bitch about the "Gray Man" philosophy going around.

The gray man philosophy is FAKE activism. Shitizens who say they are a "gray man" say that they are going off grid and not going to get active. They are going to hide like Jews during the holocaust. They are pansy's no different then these little George Soros funded tide pod eating snowflakes too afraid to be real activists. We arn't going to be politically active because we are too afraid of the government to actually be patriots and act. We are just going to be shut ins not advertising the fact that we disagree with the lawless tyranny taking place in our free country. We are still going to pay our taxes and vote like the lawless abiding shitizen pieces of shit that we are so we don't get thrown in FEMA camps, blah blah etc.

Gray man say shit like, we are the "silent majority" hiding out in the shadows so we cannot be found. We are waiting for SHTF. Well I got news for you faktriots, shit has already hit the fan... THEY JUST HAVEN'T TOLD YOU YET!!! Nationalism isn't patriotism. Fukushima, FEMA, Monsanto, Nestle, Pedogate, the country being over 20 trillion dollars in debt on all these genocidal wars, Big Pharma forcing Nazi eugenics at gunpoint... Nope, I'm a "gray man" not saying anything about these things. If you aren't risking your life and your career, being the change that you want to see in the world, speaking up about these things, you are the shit stains on the underpants of society! Petitioning, canvassing, is FAKE activism. Real activism is chaining yourself to a backhoe preventing an oil pipeline from coming through your land. WATER IS LIFE! That's the kind of shit I'm talking about! Any real patriot will tell you that the best place to hide, is in PLAIN SITE! At least this patriot will. We are going to hide like a gray man... really? WHERE!? In today's society you can't hide unless you start learning how to hide in PLAIN SITE. Now you are thinking like a ninja! You mean like a "gray man?" NO YOU FUCKNUT! I mean like a PATRIOT! This is why I'm Rainbow Man. FUCK the "gray man!" I'm getting right in societies face hiding in plain site and I'm doing it all wearing all this rainbow shit!!! Yeah! Insult to injury! I got woken up by Rainbow Man and now I'm a political prisoner. How's that for a bumpersticker!? Better yet, "I fought alongside Rainbow Man in the 2nd American Revolution and brought freedom and prosperity back to America." Now that's a much better vision I think. And I can't do it alone. Especially with so many "gray men" not coming out of the shadows how else do we plan on getting anything done? How else do we plan on being the change that we want to see in the world? Here it is we have 80 million armed Americans in this country and NO BALLS! We can change our reality over night in this country bringing freedom back to America but no!!! 80 million armed Americans are too scared to act out of fear of this lawless tyranny. We become "gray men." Hell, George Washington would slap your asses silly for being such sidewalk chalking sissies if you are one of these assholes!

This is why I'm not a cop watcher. Even though there are no good cops, lawyers, doctors, and politicans, my war is with this sick fucking society. 99.9% of cops, these BlueISIS thugs, give the rest a bad name. If you say you are a good cop, then why are you sitting back and watching, not saying anything, when one of your partners in crime is tazing and beating to death a disarmed handcuffed homeless person??? HUH!? "We are 'gray man' not speaking up out of fear," which makes YOU an even worse cop then the cop actually doing the killing. It is the same with this sick fucking society. 90% of people not acting out of fear of this lawless tyranny. Because of YOU, we have this lawless tyranny taking place in our free country. I know I come off offensive but in reality I am "defensive." My life, and my family, have been given a genocidal death sentence (like the rest of us). So my rants are just me defending myself and my family from the real truth. Which is why I call my political party the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party. We hate ALL tyrants and are not afraid to speak out against the silent majority getting in our way. To be a good conductor, you have to turn your back on the crowd.

Long story short, A good cop quits his job. A good patriot resists lawless tyranny defending his family, his country, his brother, and his neighbor, from lawless tyranny instead of turning his head becoming the silent majority or a "gray man" acting after it is already too late. I know I may not be the best example, but at least I know that I am better then the silent majority. And I will end today's rant right here.

Cheers, to all you real activists and patriots here on Steemit fighting alongside with me doing your part being the change that I'm talking about. Rainbow hats off to you!

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
~Edmund Burke

Happy Free Speech Friday y'all! Now let me hear it...

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
We are a Dipshit Democracy. FUCK Amy Goodman!
rainbow man meme12.jpg

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Let it all out my friend 😎 and summon the troops. It IS time to stand up, stand out, and fight. I think that when people see that...they will come out of the shadows and join in. People are afraid to be first. We fight not against the confused deceived pawns but those behind them and those who willingly prey on us. Fighting each other will not free us.

I want to get my squirrelly hands on a trafficker or a pervert and set an example of my own. Worth it! I look for it when we are out and about. We need to be our own police at this point and I am sworn in.

Thanks for your support @squirrelbait. Glad to know I'm not alone :-). Believe me I'm ready to lynch some of these pedophiles and vaccine pushing eugenicists.

this is hilarious! i created #freedomfriday! kicking it off with Free Speech a couple of weeks ago.

haha! Rainbow Man! I bet that felt good. I think there's tons of freedom fighters on steemit, don't you? or are they a bunch of gray people? I don't know how to tell but great rant! no you gotta try to hold it in till next Friday?

Feel any better now? yay, I didn't think so.
It's a messed up world. Most people really don't care, they just want their little piece of the american dream (sux that they actually have no idea what that is), and won't say a word as long as no one upsets their little apple cart.