free style writing another one

in freestyle •  7 years ago 

Here we go is another free style writing of wahtever come to my mind. Today is another one of day with a crazy talking head that look like a cat. When you look at the feet, it look and feel like from a child. It is a nice advantage because that allow that person to live longer and avoid sickness. Scientifkcly, they can live longer because they are smaller body. And who cares. Why they have such crazy idea about the world and so dillusional where they totally don't know the other person's feeling and thinking and keep pushing their own agenda and keep talking and keep enjoying their own talking. Perhaps, that's the sign of aging when we beome dellusional and into somuch of our own talking .

I can feel my neck is recovering but some how it is still a bit sore but it is fine I feel positive things will get better. feeling will lead to action, so begin with feeling. Our idea can turn into reality and there is a science about it but before idea it is our emtoion. And our emotion also come from the food and stuff we put into our mouth. For exaple, if we put ino alchoho, then we are going to feel crazy and drunk, we if put in coffee, we are going to feel excited and emotional. And when we put in plant-based whole food, we are going to feel healthy, vibrant, positive and all the good stuff that is natural and healthy and how human supposed to feel.

So everything start with what we eat, and then move on to how we define our day to day reality. How we define each moment, if it's a postivie or a lesson that we can feel appricate about. Finally, it comes to idea. For great ideas to come we go tot be able to feel good. We certainly can't have too much good thinking if we are too cold or too hot or too hungry.

So connecting with people is awesome withevents like that we can meet many people and super awesome connection.

The idea of this practice is to non-stopand non judgemental andno going back. There is only going forward until the music finish. This type of free style writing can really help us let go of our emotion and let everything comes out. And no judgement is nice we don't have to be critical. We just let ou thoughts flow through us with your eye and the movmement of our hand. It's a really awesome feeling where nothing could just you. Yay, let's eat yummy dinner.

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