Thoughts from a midnight train

in freewrite •  7 years ago  (edited)

18 hours on a train. Very limited internet access. No books to read. A bit hangover. Well, at least this will be the first time in Russia I'll sleep in a bed, gotta look at the bright side, right?

I'm not complaining, in the past I've slept in way more uncomfortable circumstances like in a park in Portugal, in a grassy area right outside a gas station in Spain, under a bridge in Nicaragua, in a hammock in an island of Belize, and some others which I can't recall right now.

But here in Russia I haven't slept properly since I got here 7 days ago, and to top that, the two days before I got here I took four planes and slept in weird benches in the airport or tried to sleep in the tiny plane seats. In Moscow I've only slept in sofa-beds or shared a bed so I didn't really slept.

Oh well, just a small price to pay for being in Russia right?

But hell, after 6 nights of watching the sun down at 10 pm and rise at 4 am, this little bed comes as a blessing. Oh yeah it's quite little, I can barely fit and I'm 1.77 m (5’11 ft for you USA) and I have no space to move around.

It's funny, I was chatting with someone here about Russia being a third world country but in reality and from what I've seen, Moscow resembles more to a European city rather than to a central american City, so I would categorize Russia as a second world country. But I've only been to Moscow, I've yet to visit the countryside to really form a good judgement about this country.

Gosh this country. I think I've seen the most beautiful girls in my life and I've traveled to a few other countries. It's funny though, men in general are average, below average or plain ugly, but around 80% of the women are model material. How weird is that? But yeah, I think I've fallen in love like 31,582 times, just to fall out of love because ten seconds later I saw the next girl.

Oh no, I'm not shallow and I don't mind - only - the physical aspect but, I'm a brown skinned Latino dude walking along tall blonde and sexy speaking Russian girls acting as if it was normal being that beautiful. So yeah, I had to mention this part.

The world cup is amazing. It's everything I expected and more, so much more I could say that I want to stay in Russia after it finishes but who knows, can't make plans so far in advance.

Everything is quite expensive compared to what I thought it would be, but I'm pretty sure prices will drop down once tourism goes back to non-world cup normal.

I need to eat properly. It's very easy to eat crap while being here, especially because proper food but for locals is hard to find if you only visit touristic venues, but my body is already asking me for nutrients and to take care of myself. I'll start tomorrow, today I could only buy a chocolate and a sandwich for the road.

Damn this road, I'm eleven hours down, seven to go, but I can't seem to get sleepy. Two kids were playing and shouting all afternoon and their babushka (grandma) didn't control them at all. Of course they are asleep now and now I'm the one who can't sleep. I want my revenge.

I don't like babies nor kids, but only because I hate the irresponsible parents who do nothing to control them. I hate babies in an airplane, little kids in the cinema, crying toddlers in public spaces, Rugrats nagging everyone with their loud noises etc. I remember my mom used to control me perfectly; I wasn't just some brat doing whatever I pleased and being a monster all the time. I knew when to behave and when to go crazy, thanks Mom.

So yeah girls don't worry, I'm still husband material. I do like kids, I just hate the parents who don't give two craps about what their kids do in public spaces.

Ahhh public spaces, that reminds me, I'm smoking again. I mean what did you expected? I'm drinking beer everyday and meeting people and partying at night some days, of course u was going to smoke. I'll stop again when this ends. You know me, I stop for seasons and I go back to smoking for another season.

I really like freewriting, I never know where it will take me but I always enjoy the ride and most of the times I like the outcome when I just vomit all my ideas however they are coming.

This trip has been weird for me. I'm used to traveling on my own and now I'm sharing experiences with two friends and even though we're good friends, it's still hard for me to adapt to a three men schedule instead of doing whatever the hell I want, whenever the crap I feel like, however the heck I wanna do it. It's a new experience and there is always something to learn out of everything. I'm learning, or at least I'm trying to.

Something I didn't achieve before coming to Russia. Learning that is. I wanted to learn a bit of Russian before arriving here but I just simply couldn't do it. The language is hard but not impossible and I have some skills to learn languages but meh, this time I couldn't. I always say “if you can flirt in a language, then you are set” but right now I can barely say hello. Oh well, I might stay here with the excuse of finishing what I started, the excuse of learning Russian just for the sake of flirting in Russian.

I was looking forward to use these hours to answer all the comments I've gotten in the past few days but my internet signal is practically non existent, which I really hate because I owe you guys so many replies.

Thanks for always commenting, believe me I read them all and I remember who did them. That's one good thing about me, I have an amazing memory, so please don't feel like I'm ignoring you, I'm still reading you and voting some of the comments.

I hope you liked this freewriting session!

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Seeing the picture of the train's interior that you posted got me thinking of the condition of a fan who chases the glory. So I wrote this little poem for all the football fans

              Those train rides 
           In which my time bides

           To catch that one goal 
        That'll finally soothe my soul

           I chase that one match
       For a glimpse of glory to catch

          That one skillfull player
         Legendary as a demon slayer

             That one final shot
        That got me bothered and hot

             I still ride along 
          singing the soccer song

This is just too beautiful.

Thanks dude!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't like babies nor kids, but only because I hate the irresponsible parents who do nothing to control them. I hate babies in an airplane, little kids in the cinema, crying toddlers in public spaces, Rugrats nagging everyone with their loud noises etc.

I'm pretty much the same Eric. I think it is because I was/am an introvert deep down and I certainly was as a child. I was rarely that screaming loud annoying kid that you see all over the place nowadays. But I suppose the beautiful women of Russia are worth a few squawking children. Glad to hear that your adventure is going so well. Maybe try for a Russian lady find a better bed lol

a world adventure trip without a doubt! but I'm sure no one will take away your dancing, so all these trips will go directly to your life full of experiences! I already think your tastes are for blonde women, so I'm out of the lot hahahaha, even so, I wonder if you could filter with any?? or just a wink?? anyway, you'll be lucky, as far as the kids are concerned, now it's easy to control them at least with some video game!!! hehello friend, enjoy your trip

Oh freewrite is the bestest. It has a natural feel to it that over edited writing lacks.
You are having a wonderful experience. I think I would be quite comfortable in that bed; I am quite small.

Oh I detest noisy kids especially if the parents are around and they show no signs of alleviating the situation. You should get a violin and play when they are asleep so that they would get a feel of what you went through. Are you good with violin? Because you need to suck at it for it to work.

Russian girls are beautiful? You'd be staying over after the World Cup if I was in your shoes. 😂

Well I hope you get a bed soon and enjoy a full fledged sleep. Is the weather cold? Is that why you are smoking again?

You've been to so many amazing countries Eric and you've adapted so well my friend, I'm sorry for the inconveniences lol I guess the world cup has it's perks too, hahahaha but you've brought us some amazing videos and update of your times in Russia I'm pretty sure you've got so much juice in you lol, you'll learn the language too, and em glad to know you're keeping up, despite the whatnots

Oh, man. I do not envy you. I hate traveling via trains, mostly because I get motion sick super easily. I had to take a train for 23 hours before, probably the worst experience of my life. No sleep, constant nausea, couldn't consume any food/drinks and I had nothing to read or do besides listen to music. I could make a whole post on the fucked up stuff I saw on the train as well, since I had to take a 23 hour train back home as well a week later. Trains have some weird ass people, haha.

Hope the rest of your trip is pretty chill and you can get some rest, dood. At the very least, don't be afraid to excuse yourself to the restroom to rub one out while staring at yourself in the mirror, not breaking eye contact.

Great free-write, @anomadsoul. There's rarely a better time to share thoughts with your Steemian followers than when you're cooped up in a small seat [...or bed] while traveling. Enjoy Russia, man. I've heard the exact same thing about the women there, which is why I have a few friends desperately trying to get me there with my camera :P

Well, although this huge journey kinda sounds like a nightmare, I think it's amazing that you're doing this whole trip to Russia. I imagine it's pretty amazing. Although I live rather close to Russia, I've never been and I've really heard it's a lovely country. Very beautiful...So that must be a wonderful experience.
Besides to be there during the World Cup, in all that excitement, to actually see it, feel it...must really be a lot of fun!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Freewrites, my favorite! The reason I like reading them, as much as making them, is that it feels like one can get really close to the author. And no wonder: it is about putting your thoughts on paper (screen) at the moment as they are, instead of just telling "went to place x, did y" which can easily leave you cold. For some reason the freeflow of thoughts manage to paint the events, like yours, in my head even without any conscious effort.

Just the right thing to read before I'm also going to bed after browsing Steemit too far into the night – at least Friday's an off day in the anticipation of Midsummer Day on Saturday.

Try get some sleep @anomadsoul, good night!

I will be happy to meet you in Rostov-on-Don guys. ☺

We are just arriving by train right now! Still need to reserve a hostel and then we are free I'll let you know where we are :D

Very nice, we will have fun for sure. ☺ How long you gonna stay here ?

I think I've seen the most beautiful girls in my life and I've traveled to a few other countries. It's funny though, men in general are average, below average or plain ugly, but around 80% of the women are model material. How weird is that? But yeah, I think I've fallen in love like 31,582 times, just to fall out of love because ten seconds later I saw the next girl.

This got me. Lol.

You seem to describe not-so-pleasant experience in a beautiful way to make us laugh. It is not so sweet not having a good sleep and in transit almost constantly. I am glad you are enjoying your stay in Russia. i have never been there but your description says alot about how good Russia is. Thanks for giving us updates on happenings in Russia.

Thanks @anomadsoul

What was it like in Belize?

This sounds like an amazing trip!

Minus the midgets running amok uncontrolled :)

Well I hope you get a good night sleep. It looks comfortable enough though.
So enjoy Russia and World Championship..... eventhough my country isn't competing 😩
One day I'll visit Russia too and hope the guys are as pretty as the girls 😉

I love travelling on trains because i feel its safer, traveling is my best hobby i wish to travel to different countries some days that's when am financially bouyant .Lastly sorry for the inconvinience enjoy your stay and make sure you hook up with a damsel before leaving.

I love you freewrite man!! 🙌🙌😎😎

wow i never knew i was commenting on the great @anomadsoul's post today am really happy to comment on your post, i have been hearing this name over a million of times.

Greetings it's a pretty complicated trip

Have a safe travel !

Eres tan natural que se hace interesante leerte.
Disfruta más tu viaje. Todo lo posible.

So you've fallen in love with many Russian girls, have you considered staying there and fall in love with any XD ?

Hello friend, I hope you are good, they are sacrifices, friend, life gives us meimagino, that you are enjoying this show that must be a world cup, it is only every 4 years, it is worth it, and that you enjoy your world cup to the maximum. I am going to France and you. ? Greetings and thanks for sharing with us that great trip over there in Russia

I don't like babies nor kids, but only because I hate the irresponsible parents who do nothing to control them. I hate babies in an airplane, little kids in the cinema, crying toddlers in public spaces, Rugrats nagging everyone with their loud noises etc. I remember my mom used to control me perfectly; I wasn't just some brat doing whatever I pleased and being a monster all the time. I knew when to behave and when to go crazy, thanks Mom.

I feel the same way. when parents do not take care of their children well. I hate his parents most. his parents are wrong. Ohh really made me go crazy, thank you sir @anomadsoul. Hope your travel is fun.

Glad to hear that your husband 'materialness' is intact. About food, get fruits and veggies, those rarely stay local. While eating that look around, it's the world cup and there should be provisions for tourists.

Please be fine... And once in a while escape from the the other men. You have my permission. Lol

Hello @anomadsoul... Please what about the interview?

Life of freedom. The very definition of living life at its fullest. Coming close to your blog has painted what freedom truly means, and I've created a world from it through your freewrites.
Have fun, bro. And make sure you take lots of nutrituous foods

Life of freedom. The very definition of living life at its fullest. Coming close to your blog has painted what freedom truly means, and I've created a world from it through your freewrites.
Have fun, bro. And make sure you take lots of nutrituous foods

Love the falling in love comment. Lol. I feel like that every time I go pretty much anywhere new and different.

I need to try free writing like this sbd just see where it goes. Probably some weird shit I’d unleash though.

Yes, when we go for explorations sometimes we have to see the uncomfortable phases but after all phases will be worthful when we reach to the destination, and in my opinion you've really enjoyed this tour and we saw that in videos which you shared.

And yes, when we cannot sleep effectively for days due to uncomfortable beds or anything and when we get opportunity to sleep on comfortable bed then that gives amazing essence.

Brother, good to hear that you've spent time and slept in so many awkward places, that shows that you are true explorer.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I agree 100% with the asshole kids & parents. The kids grow up to be inconsiderate assholes if you don’t teach them structure for social behavior.
I am the ‘mean’ mom you hear in the store scold their child for being an ass, sometimes the husband too for messing around and starting fights with the kids. “Stores are not play grounds!”

I read your post with a smile))) It's all so familiar to me ... the train, the kids who are yelling and all that))) But I want to object to you, the most beautiful girls we have in Ukraine!

Sounds like a great trip! And that your enjoying yourself and the new terrain. Hilarious about all the pretty girls. You’ll have to learn a few lines to flirt 😉🍓