A little update. Obviously I haven't been writing every day at this rate, but I was away for the weekend. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm still going to try write every day but instead of labelling by day's I'll label by entries, just in case I miss a day. It's not me copping out, I'll write every day I have access to my computer. I promise that.
Donating is an interesting concept. Well interesting in the fact that human's are wired to put themselves and the close-knit tribes around them in the greatest amount of safety as possible.
Donation is interesting becuase we're doing or giving something that is of value to us, to someone else that we don't know. Surely our cave-men ancestors never did anything of the same vein? I mean I'm sure they protected their families, but strangers? For nothing in return?
I find it a topic of interest becaue I give plasma regularly. Plasma is stuff in your blood that can basically help a lot of people (this is my entirely scientific explanation of plasma and 9 out of 10 doctors approve of this).
I give blood because I feel a sense of duty to do right in this world. I am pretty selfish basically all the time, so I think the deed of putting a needle in my arm for 20minutes once a month isn't that much pain to hopefully help someone in need.
I just wish more people did it. But I wonder why more people don't? I think it can be actually quite selfish to donate. Let me explain. Studies have shown that donating and volunteering realeases lots of dopamine and seratonin into your brain (the feel good chemicals). I mean if it makes you feel good, then why don't more people do it? I think we should all strive to make ourselves happier and others happier. There's probably a lot more to this than I'll ever understand. But it's interesting to think about.
Every morning at 8am I wake up and write for 5 minutes continuously and do not stop until the timer runs out. What you see is a stream of consciousness that is me at a point in time just letting it all go, no editing, just automatic mode. Enjoy.