So EA apparently deleted someone's Origin account.
We all trust that these companies have security and backups and shit. But time and again we find out they're as competent as their least competent employee. Judging from what's explained in the video, it seems like some employee likely accidentally deleted his account somehow from the database.
Unlike SidAlpha, I don't trust that if it had happened more than a few times we would have heard about it. Not everyone's a Redditor. Most people would bitch at support, then maybe give up after a few hours, because support ain't worth shit, and it takes fucking hours for them to do anything. Then they'd make a new account, and move on.
But people sink a fuckton of money into their digital accounts. I don't have an EA Origins account, but I have a Steam account, and a GOG account, and I know I've spent more money than I should have on games I don't really need because I don't even play games that much. Maybe you have an iTunes account, or some apps on your Google account, or some movies on a VUDU account. So many of us have these digital accounts being managed by massive corporations and the truth is we don't own shit. We can't sell our digital goods.
Disney even tried to sue Redbox for selling the digital codes included with their movies.
When are we gonna get to a place where we actually own the shit we buy again? Where we can actually buy and sell digital goods when we don't wanna play them anymore?
You've probably heard about Steem Monsters. It's not really a blockchain game, but the ownership of the cards is stored on the blockchain. You actually own the cards that you buy. It's not just stored in some company's servers.
That's what we need with all of our digital goods. We need to actually fucking own the shit we buy and have proof we own it even if the company fucks up.
We shouldn't be in fear of if a company is going to steal all of ours games because we used an unapproved mod that they consider cheating. Hell, we all have been assholes at times. We shouldn't lose our games even if we are that cheating asshole.
How many times have companies locked out people from their games because they pissed them off? Except then no one listened because they were branded cheaters or whatever. This time it's just a random guy that got fucked over by some idiot backup sys admin on his first day or some shit, deleting an account he shouldn't have.
I feel bad for this guy. And the courts have been slowly moving toward establishing our rights to actually own the goods that we buy digitally, just like everything else that we buy...but it feels too fucking slow. Even if it was only like 20 years ago when we started having digital goods, that's a big fucking portion of someone's life. Yet here we are, where everything someone's bought, can be wiped away by a keystroke. Acts of god have become acts of man's keystrokes.