Spanish Freewrite Nº 62 - DELICADO

in freewrite •  7 years ago 


Delicado y Sutil

Era un universo su mirada
adornada por dos astros,
contemplar su serena llegada
fue como descubrir rastros,
era un manantial su cabello
colmado de intensa naturaleza,
sutil y bello era todo aquello
pincelado por su mágica belleza,
delicado y sutil era el ropaje
de su hermoso paisaje,
era una tierna y frágil flor
qué destilaba tanto amor,
su tez blanca, pura y virginal
era un tesoro angelical,
en lo infinito del momento
sus besos eran mi sustento,
ahora solo tengo su recuerdo
el cual Alimenta a este loco cuerdo…

Delicate and Subtle

It was a universe his look
adorned by two stars,
contemplate his serene arrival
It was like discovering traces,
it was a spring his hair
filled with intense nature,
subtle and beautiful was all that
brushstroke for its magical beauty,
delicate and subtle was the clothing
of its beautiful landscape,
It was a tender and fragile flower
what distilled so much love,
her complexion white, pure and virginal
it was an angelic treasure,
in the infinity of the moment
his kisses were my sustenance,
now I only have his memory
which feeds this sane fool ...

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Excelente post saludos.

Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerme, gracias por el comentario estimada @zurimabarcelo , nos seguiremos leyendo, saludos