News Day In The Market

in freewrite •  5 years ago 


James: As we have reported earlier that Joseph has run for office of a major firm.

James: this announcement came on the heels of the turn of management in one of the stock markets' biggest competitor.

Reading from the prompter that day felt like an extraordinary event that was playing out in the middle of the news desk. Making mention of NASDAQ falling seemed more ordinary than the event that was unfolding today.

Reporter: Joseph Joseph

clamored one of the reporters to him to get the latest buzz on the ever-changing pulse on the markets.

Reporter: why were you chosen for this position?

Reporter: have you ever had any experience in stock and bonds since today?

The reporter was a new intern in the news field so his quick questions were a common indication. The news organization was fairly old as it had seventeen years in the business. It mainly dealt with trading and eCommerce.

Joseph: here at Harrison and Wells as we are now calling our names we stand by the discretion of the board members to choose whomever they will.

Joseph: I have studied in one of the greatest universities that this nation could offer.

Joseph: so if anyone is wondering if I can handle a position like President or CEO just check my records.

Joseph would answer the reporter with a stern look on his face as if he was annoyed with him. All-day he was in board meeting to acknowledge his new position. So the reporters' question never seemed legitimate without looking at the former reports that had followed the day before.

James looking intently to the audience through the camera lens. He seemed disappointed that the news station had sent out such a green reporter into the field that day. Though it was a holiday and some people in the news got a day off. He felt they could have chosen a better person to handle the reporting.

James: the management has not yet received news that the reporter was even there.

James would say off-camera. He was stressed and the pressure was mounting to get in before the rest of the news played out that day.

Joseph’s records would show that he had indeed been of finest schools yet it wouldn’t show his experience in the markets or even be properly vetted for such a place.

There was a commercial break so Joseph reached for his phone to call Carol one of the few experienced news reporters the station had.

Joseph: hey Carol did you watch what this guy just did. He seemed to not know what was going on. I was wondering if you could come in today and go into the field.

Carol: sorry I can’t I gave my notice that I would take some time off is there no one else you can ask.

Carol was an older gentleman who had been in the business for as longs as the news organization was around. So his seniority would soon place him in a hall of fame if you will in the company. Carol had some family issues going on at home that needed to be cleared up. So he would go into the office of the CEO and ask for a time to recover from his duties.

Joseph: Thanks anyway for answering the call.

That was it the only person to do anything was the CEO and Joseph knew it he could make all the calls he wanted but the decision was ultimately the CEO’s to make.

Carol: you're welcome

Dear reader as you see in this little story about the fictional day to day going’s in the news world. How much of it does play-out in your life? Do you ever get annoyed with a colleague who just isn’t up to par? Does your fellow workman's performance ever portray your leadership skills? Like always thank you for reading but I would like you to think about these things the next time you get upset. Whether it would be in the work field or otherwise.

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Well written story @james490, nothing boring in the news world, it's awesome.

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Thanks @james490, and keep creating awesome content.

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