"magical realism "Thursday - Prompt:

in freewrite •  6 years ago 

Day 482: 5 Minute Freewrite hosted by @mariannewest

Original photo of the Canoochee River where I grew up

Exactly what can be more magical than the reality of the world
In which we live?
The realistic realization that we live on a blue dot in space,
Spinning around a thermonuclear furnace, which in turn is
Rotating slowly and grandly around a super black hole in the
Center of our Galaxy, which in turn is moving about the
UNIVERSE in a stately and courtly dance with many other
Celestial bodies?
Sometimes there is destruction, sometimes there is
Creation, but all in all, it is incredibly inspiring.
To think that many of the elements in our bodies and
Our world were not present in the Universe until that
First Supernova exploded, creating the heavier elements?
More and more stars exploded in supernovae so that now
Those elements are almost abundant.
Magical Realism is the best, because we are all a part of it.

"Thursday Magic"

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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Amazing write up, causing me to ponder more about our life. And not sure have you done the next prompt, but...

I am here to deliver the next prompt to you. Here it is, check it out! It is 'double time'.

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

Click the graphic to join in the fun!

Hi @iamjadeline , I'm glad you liked my 'write up' as you call it.
No, I haven't done the latest prompt, I've had serious internet
Issues all day. If that is for Friday, I will have to skip it.
I wish there were a way to know further ahead what the next
Prompt will be. I'm not really "into" this type of freewriting.

I do see that sometimes profound things can 'fall out of your
Head" that way, but I don't really feel that this is my 'thing'.
Not right now anyway.
Do you know what tomorrow is? Prompt that is?

I love your take on this prompt!! Indeed! what could be more magical than the world we live in! Just have to see it!!

Thank you @mariannewest, so far rather than making up a fictional
Thing to match the prompt, I have been able to find real things
For me to relate. I don't know how much more I can do
This way, but as I can, I will.

no worries. Write with us whenever you like and it suits you :)

You do have such a great vision of a great world! The picture helped greatly! Love your work!

Oh, and if you don't mind me greeting... Happy Hearts Day! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy Valentines Day to you as well @dofficialbarbs

Ah, you speak my language: * we live on a blue dot in space,
Spinning around a thermonuclear furnace, which in turn is
Rotating slowly and grandly around a super black hole in the
Center of our Galaxy, which in turn is moving about the
UNIVERSE in a stately and courtly dance* ... love it!! Indeed, physics is magic, the building blocks (periodic table of elements) of matter, the fact that we are made of stardust - it's incredible! And yet we get bogged down in paying bills, dusting floors, washing the dishes... we could be or maybe someday WILL be dancing with celestial bodies.

It is my overriding hope that we will, as a species find a way
(SOON) to get off this planet, or we will extinguish
Ourselves. And the planet. Population pressures alone will
Soon make food and water reasons for war.
Perhaps, if we can begin mining the Asteroid belt, move an ice
Comet to Mars to rehydrate it

and make it habitable again, it
Might give us time to grow up as a society, but I'm afraid the
Preponderance of Sci Fi stories are right; we will just take our
Faults with us to the stars.

Since we still have people who believe the Earth is Flat,
I don't really hold out much hope. Our societies are
Being dominated more and more by the "Corporations
Are People Too" ideology, and as such those mega people
Will always be able to out vote, or buy out the votes of the
Governments...bah! Let me get off my soapbox @carolkean,
Thank you for your comment. I am glad you enjoyed my

"we will just take our
Faults with us to the stars."
Where's the @haiku bot?
Yes, we are awful, but the world is still beautiful, and life will go on. If we go extinct, some other sentient life form will come after us. As we came after the dinosaurs. Love your graphics btw. Fear not! The end is billions of years away!