Five minute free write - Witches

in freewrite •  7 years ago 

50mm love 1.jpg

Life. Hope. A future.

I don't know why these thoughts came to mind when I read @mariannewest's prompt for this mornings Five minute free write, witches. Maybe that's the kind of mood I'm in today on this chilly but lovely morning here in LA. Or maybe I'm tired of all the negative press witches get and have gotten.

Before I talk too much, let's take a look in on this particular group...

They stood in a circle, chanting.

A low, droning sound that vibrated a special chord in the soul. Voices came together as one, split off into many, then back together. A dozen, maybe more, gathered in this bleak, empty room.

Dim, except for candles places in an unrecognizable pattern that outlined a symbol drawn out in white chalk. The flickering light cast unsure shadows that seemed to keep pace with their voices.

Garbed in the traditional robes of nature

Each of them had come from far away. From their posts in lands that no longer knew of nor would appreciate their existence. They had endured in silent suffering. Watching, waiting, biding their time for the right moment.

In the center, the focus point of all their energies sat a simple clay pot. Unremarkable in every way, it was the hope for the future. Their future. Everyone's future.

The pace of the noises that fled the throats of those gathered increased.

Faster and faster they spoke the words of old. Words of power. Words of life. Words that would return the world to what it was. Words that would bring green back to a world that had become gray.

It's easy to hate something you don't really understand.

One of humanities bad habits has always been to persecute things they don't understand. To try and root out all that is different. And to try and get rid of it. I'm not sure if that's an evolutionary trait, to protect the group overall, or just something that got instilled in us by leadership ling ago as a way for them to control us...

I've come to the conclusion to do a bit more research before I judge something. Good, evil, how are we to know at first glance. I mean, even in this quick story, it may seem that these witches are bringing back green to the and stuff, but they might also be resurrecting an angry elder god that feels it has been spurned by the residents of this planet. A god that's gonna be wrecking some stuff. You don't know.

I hope you enjoyed this quick Monday morning write with me. I know I had a blast putting it together. Got lots to do today so I'm off!


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A really cool write. I wish there was more…

A few helpful editing notes:
One of [humanity’s] bad habits
by leadership [long] ago
the world… life and stuff (you forgot a space behind the ellipse)
an angry elder god [who] feels
A god [who’s] gonna

Hehe, most of these 5 minutes free writes I whip through pretty fast only looking for the major edits. I doubt most people read more than just the story anyways. But, thanks for the editing advice! Helpful when I write longer, more thoughtful pieces :)

Nuts to that - if this is a freewrite then the focus is the word "free" ergo - we don't have to edit! We just write as it flows onto the page and leave it there in it's entirety and beauty!

I would have to say that this piece gave me a view from the witch perspective - how I would feel and what it would be like. I loved it!

Thanks! :) Yeah, you never know what someone is up to until you ask. Like M.I.B. So many things can be so easily misinterpreted. But...then again...they might be summoning an angry and vengeful nature god... :)

Brilliant. Sometimes the immediate thought to witch is to assume that they are evil. I could do loads of freewrite on the topic of magic. I did some when I first started.

The unknown is such a fun field for writers to play in :)

Loved the writing :) .Really one should not draw the conclusion immediately by seeing the outer periphery or appearance . you've cooked up a wonderful content around the prompt .

Hehe, thanks! Always love these morning free write prompts.

I think that it's certainly wise to ask questions rather than to impose answers. To investigate further to be sure, rather than stop at assumptions and remain half-informed.

Exactly! You never know until you try and see the world from someone else's shoes :)

Nice work. I agree with you on judging people!

:) Thanks for dropping by!

I really like the pre and post ambles you have (true to your steemit name, I guess). Some nice imagery looking in on the witches (whatever they were up to!) too. :)

Hehe, whatever they were up to. Good, bad...I'll let someone else decide :)

Keep on using that creative spark to your advantage because this was really enjoyable to read. Would love to read a more extended short story of yours :)

You share a thought provoking perspective of witches, and what their intentions are to this world. I guess it all boils down to what are our intentions? Is any of the bad press truly true, or is it all mysticism and lies to protect someone or something else? Nice job.

To try and root out all that is different. Sadly, so true of too many of us.