"This darn basket won't stand up!!"
"It's a basket that is meant to be hung, dear"
"I need it to stand up!"
"Here, hang it on this hook."
"That's too far! I can't reach it!"
"Let me help you move your chair closer."
"Then I can't get a clear shot on the squirrels at the bird feeder!"
"Let the squirrels eat the birdseed for a bit. You will get some socks mended."
"You only care about your feet! Your feet will be fine if I don't darn them!"
"You want to darn my feet?"
"Darn right I do! You are making me a basket case!!"
This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is darning basket.
I seem to be on one of my freewrite rolls. Freewriting is a lovely way to start a day. Come join us!!!