So Whose Are They? (5 minute Freewrite - Tuesday prompt: brand)

in freewrite •  7 years ago 

Uncle Spen stepped out of the bunkhouse with a jaunty step. He had slept well, despite the late game of cards and the drinking the night before, and was feeling ready for anything, including the broncos they were to round up later in the day. His Stetson hat rested comfortably on his balding head, his chaps shone in the sunshine, and his spurs sparkled merrily. Yes, it was going to be a good day at the Circle T ranch. Heading for the corrals, he whistled to his favorite horse, Mary Lou. Her ears pricked up immediately, and she trotted to meet him at the fence.
"How's it going, girl?" he asked her pleasantly. With a little snort and a whinny she replied, "Just fine, thank you. Are we going for a ride today?"
"You bet!!" enthused Uncle Spen. " We are gonna go find us some broncos! Let's be on our way!"
Saddled and bridled in minutes, Mary Lou was off at a trot with Uncle Spen glued to the saddle. He had ridden for so many hours on this horse, he seemed to just melt into her and become one with his mount.
Before they found the broncos, they found a small herd of steers wandering around. Uncle Spen slowed Mary Lou to a walk so as not to startle the cattle. Looking closely at their rumps, he saw that not one of them had a brand! Mystery cattle! Better than finding broncos!

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Alright! ((says in a western movie voice))
That was really great, thank you. Such a whole story and caracter just in a short bit. Also I've came across some words I didn't know before. That was my mystery suprise! :)

Wal, pardner, y'all just never know what surprises these hyar stories are gonna hold!

Cute little story. You managed to set the scene and sketch the bones of two interesting characters, all in a very short space. Well done.
It’s your always prompt free write encourager here with today’s challenge, your ticket to the over 20 club:

Thank you! As usual, it is evening before I get around to writing, so we'll see what I come up with half-asleep.

Great story and I love how you described how Uncle Spen and the horse became "one with his mount." : )

I actually had a Great Uncle Spen, and he really was a cowboy. I wish I had gotten to know him better, but I was very young.