Politics. Did I just say Politics? A Day 10 Perspective [Freewrite]

in freewrite •  6 years ago 

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Over the last few months

I decided it was finally time to to explore politics in a bit more depth. In particular the current trend of "party" polarization and the angry discourse and rhetoric specifically in American politics. We are all brought up into certain worldviews, so whether we chose them or not and whether they influenced us isn't really my concern in this case. Nor am I concerned with either side as an ideology. To the best of my ability I want to try and see things through a lens of neutrality, which I think is doable given I don't live in North America and never really had any strong political opinions.

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As much as I can go on and on about each "side" I feel it's more important to present a solution. As the current bunch on either side don't seem capable of doing the job the people want I'd like to offer a proposition. I propose people from conflicting worldviews (opposite "sides") select a number of representatives to sit down with each other and intellectually discuss the issues that are most important to the people in a live debate. Without attacking each other, they should identify common ground on which to figure out how to make it work for everyone as best as possible. Democracy doesn’t ensure that all people are happy, it usually sides with a majority right? This proposition is not an overnight solution, but rather a series of debates, discussions and solutions offered, that are then voted on by the population. With so much to fix, I am having trouble coming to reason with the inability of people to act for solutions instead of the hateful dismissal of views and opinions they don't agree with. Think about it.

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As Social Media fans the flames of the masses

it's surprising the people haven't noticed that the Internet is not the most ideal platform for debating and discussing important issues. In a forum where it is hard to have opinions on sensitive issues taken into context we miss the subtleties of speech and body movement, that often reflect intent. These conversations should be taking place in real life, like how it's been done for centuries. Take a step back for a minute. Just really think about the impact of social media, our behaviors and this "you're either one of the other". Aren't we all individuals? Each with our own values, experiences, merits and needs we should not accept being lumped into groupings and pitted against each other. We should not accept worn out labels like Left and Right. Truth is, most of the world are somewhere in between. You're losing the plot over there in North America. Some might argue the merits of the core values of each party, which over the years has changed. If you, as a person, are not satisfied then it is your responsibility to do something about it, not blame someone else. And when that doesn't work shouldn't you be looking for solutions rather than being victimized by the problem?

I propose you bring together your most intelligent representatives and have that discussion, open and honestly, and figure the shit out. No one wants dictatorship in a supposed Democracy. Things are obviously not working. What I've tried to do in my current research is to ask the question, Why? I keep asking it until I am satisfied in understanding the answers, whether I like them or not.

Oh, did I mention I'm Canadian?

The proximity to the madness has affected all of Canada, who has also become polarized and hypnotized by the situation South of the border. So much so that the duality and emotion that follows gives the impression that there are only two sides, like there aren't more that two choices in Canada. Hello? Want to be understood? Try and understand. Want to be heard? Try to listen. Want to improve things? Work together. I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the emotion, but let that transform into something constructive, that unites, so that we can focus on the bigger problems our entire world faces.

A message from an annoyed bystander. Wake (grow) the funk up and smell the progress!

Day Ten

The End

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