Unfinished Puzzle

in freewrite •  6 years ago 


Below is my 5 minute #freewrite on today's prompt: not smart

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It's not smart to work a puzzle on a coffee table, I suggest a dinning room table. After working on this puzzle for three weeks, and as you can see in the photo, there are few missing puzzle pieces. After searching the couch for the missing pieces, without success. It turns out that my friends' dog had ingested the missing pieces, but couldn't pass them. The dog had to go to the vet, and after x-rays were taken, the vet prescribed a laxative to clear the blockage. Needless to say, after a $223 vet bill, and having to clean the carpet, where the dog 💩ed, my friend says he doesn't want any puzzles for Christmas.

I guess my family will all be getting puzzles, they only have cats. 🐈

Story and photo by Bruni

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Oh, dear! I thought you were going to say it was a strain on the back, never would have imagined the dog and vet bill! Life is stranger than fiction!

Stupid dog. 🐕

I love this puzzle it's beautiful.

Thank you. You almost can't tell it's missing pieces on the glass table top.

Crikey, I didn't imagine any dog would be so silly as to eat cardboard. You live and learn.
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