Broken trust

in freewriters •  2 years ago 

Broken trust, a shattered dream,
A heart left wounded, torn, and mean,
Promises made, but never kept,
A bond destroyed, forever wept.

A fragile trust, once held so dear,
Now shattered, gone, and insincere,
A love once pure, now tainted with lies,
A friendship lost, forever to demise.

The pain of broken trust cuts deep,
A wound that's hard to heal and keep,
A loss so great, it leaves a scar,
A bond once strong, now torn apart.

No words can mend a broken trust,
No promises can heal the rust,
It takes time, patience, and love,
To rebuild what once was.

So hold on tight to what you've got,
Cherish it dearly, and give it your all,
For broken trust is hard to bear,
And can leave a heart in disrepair.

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