RE: I'm a communist, you should be one, too!

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I'm a communist, you should be one, too!

in freeyourmindslave •  7 years ago 

Who built the factories?
Who does the fruit of that labor belong to if not the progeny of those that did it?
Very few factory 'owners' poured even one yard of concrete, or stacked one brick upon another.

Workers built this world, not 'owners'.
Anything controlled by a bank, or corporation, is ill gotten, and fair game in my book.

Even believing this, we dont have to disposses the owners.
They can continue in their positions.
Why they would want to is beyond me, they could be doing anything they desire.

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Anything controlled by a bank, or corporation,

They are the enemy of capitalism (crony)

This has zero to do with the dynamic of what capitalism is.

Once rule by force comes off the table this debate becomes moot.
Coercion is the problem, not the specific management style.

Though, my bet is still on mutual aid rather than competition.

Once rule by force comes off the table

except on a local scale, communism has to use force - too many people with different opinions...that's the whole point.

Localized communism is possible.
...but the very lack of communist model companies shows how they just don't work..
....Otherwise there would already be the dominant model.
Voluntary models that is - if they were any good - but they aren't..

communism has to use force

It has to offer a better return on the people's time. offer a better return means an objective calculation of value......the only way to ascertain objective value is price discovery mechanism...capitalism anyone?

(Artificial price fixing is nothing to do with value, only control)

True beliebers gonna belieb.

Try imagining a world of abundance where the things you value are harmony and time with your family.

This is what you get when you stop gouging your neighbor for every last dime of 'value'.

..the things of value to each person is subjective, and is not for anyone else to decide what is more valuable to someone else. and let live, and not control, is always the answer..

freedom has a price...part of the price is 'not perfect'

Communism has a price..that price is death of that very human spirit you value.
Freedom gives you and like minded people to live communism if you so wish. Where are all these communist communes, if they were a successful social model?

Communism give no freedom to anything.

should the mutual aid be voluntary or imposed? should people have the freedom to compete who can offer the best solutions? I want to be able to choose and support the service providers I value the most, as they meet my needs better than anyone else... why should I not have this freedom?


If only it were that simple,...

(whispers)'s the is..

Or, we could treat each other like tribe members and not make our fellow human beings pay for using our knife, maybe even make one for him to have of his very own.

I dont see the world as improved if we tell our brother, 'well you could've used my knife but you have nothing to trade', or 'well i would give you a chunk of meat, but you dont have a knife, so starve'.

'coulda, should, woulda' - it doesn't change reality.

Pretending nature doesn't exist, doesn't mean it will disappear.
We are a part of nature, not separate from it.

Every animal on this planet does any action for it's own advantage.
Altuism is a myth.

This is a natural dynamic. We are a natural beings.
You could argue that the issue is 'do you accept you are part of natures rhythms, or not?'

To not be, is by definition, against the order of things...?

If being part of nature means living to the disadvantage of others, then its time to terra form, imo.

Geography is irrelevant, nature is king..

Then why bother with chemtrails and mkultra?

Tell me one thing that lives in nature that is not at a disadvantage to others...?




