RE: I'm a communist, you should be one, too!

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I'm a communist, you should be one, too!

in freeyourmindslave •  7 years ago 

Once rule by force comes off the table

except on a local scale, communism has to use force - too many people with different opinions...that's the whole point.

Localized communism is possible.
...but the very lack of communist model companies shows how they just don't work..
....Otherwise there would already be the dominant model.
Voluntary models that is - if they were any good - but they aren't..

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communism has to use force

It has to offer a better return on the people's time. offer a better return means an objective calculation of value......the only way to ascertain objective value is price discovery mechanism...capitalism anyone?

(Artificial price fixing is nothing to do with value, only control)

True beliebers gonna belieb.

Try imagining a world of abundance where the things you value are harmony and time with your family.

This is what you get when you stop gouging your neighbor for every last dime of 'value'.

..the things of value to each person is subjective, and is not for anyone else to decide what is more valuable to someone else. and let live, and not control, is always the answer..

freedom has a price...part of the price is 'not perfect'

Communism has a price..that price is death of that very human spirit you value.
Freedom gives you and like minded people to live communism if you so wish. Where are all these communist communes, if they were a successful social model?

Communism give no freedom to anything.

The first article...

Factories were also “confiscated and controlled by workmen’s committees, either term possessing for the owners’ almost equal significance,”

...So threat of violence/theft was required for any hope of this working?


Guidelines, not authoritative.

If the workers stop playing crapitalism who you gonna exploit to pay your guards to keep us out of your factory?
We wont have to confiscate factories, they will be abandoned, the 'owners' cant man them all.

Those authors were trapped in their time.
Most people couldnt read, of course they were more brutish.

Guidelines, not authoritative....?

You didn't read your link article?

THEFT was required to implement the communism...mmm... where have we seen that before...?

2nd example...

Later, the commune also established a Committee of Public Safety to use terror to protect the ideals of the revolution, which the anarchists later opposed.

...seeing the dynamics of how this goes , yet?

Nope, just the ones of how it went in that instance.

Taking rule by force off the table will result in different outcomes.

Nope, just the ones of how it went in that instance

Ah, another instance of communism turning to shit - but it wasn't real communism kind of thing...

At what point do you come to a conclusion - you were wrong in your ideology - when every gulag is full, and everyone is starving to death...?

...or see even crapitalism is better (which is shit, don't get me wrong) - people can eat, buy phones use the internet...

When ideology blanks out what is empirical,...mental illness lies that way.

crapitlaism has zero to do with capitalism - you need to understand the difference.

Crapitalism is closer to political communism than anything else.

CAPITALISM cannot function correctly with an external authority of any kind.
It's a voluntary contract between to people.( No aggression principal )

So, if i dont have any medium to exchange, you gonna make me starve?

If you're one of life's victims, ( the position you are taking in this sentence), that's what will happen.

(unless you steal - but that's communism)