Resuming my Weekly Challenge!

in frichallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

A little while ago I was doing these personal weekly challenges, but then a lot of things happened and I neglected them again. It's time to take them up again!

It started as a drawing challenge to myself, to keep me drawing, but expanded to a more creative challenge.
The thing is I have sooo many ideas of things I want to do / create, but the mere amount of them sometimes overwhelms me, resulting in me not doing any of them, cause I cannot really choose - stupid, eh, but that's apparently how I work..!

So I decided to write all my creative ideas down on pieces of paper and mix them up! On the blue paper I write materials (can be drawing materials or other things like 'knitting' or 'paint the camper'!) and on the green paper I write themes (like some things I'd like to draw and also steemit contests or challenges I'd like to participate in)
My idea was to make every second week daily creations and every other one bigger project.
And then I just draw two random notes each week!

Here we go!


Today I drew #colorchallenge (a challenge made by @kalemandra if 'm not mistaken) and Tea Bag Creations !

Quite an interesting mix (it's probably only me who knows what I mean by Tea Bag Creations so far!), but it will be interesting to see what it leads to!

A few of the previous Weekly Challenges I did

"Flowers and plants" with ink pen

"Tea" with colored pencils

mandala woman.jpg

"Anatomy" with Chalk Pastels



'"Portraits" with liquid ink*


  • Thank you for stopping by! You are also very welcome to join the challenge - use the tag #frichallenge and you'll get a resteem and upvote, or come with suggestions for my little jar!


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Wow, i like this idea. It took me a while to figure out the jar but thats a great idea. Chuck all the art ideas in and pick one a week. I had never heard of tea bag creations. Will be interesting to see the end results.

Here is the first result I did yesterday, today I'm gonna try something different I think :) (still haven't started since we've been at the sea all day <3 )

For some reason the link didnt work but I think I found it on the @asapers post promo room.

ah, oop,s I think I linked to a comment thread from the post instead! But good you found it, my first 3 creations are on my blog as well of course :)

haha that happens lol...

these are all beautiful, I love the autonomy drawing it is really quite stunning, I always enjoy seeing your art work @frejafri xxx

Thank you! I always love receiving your comments! <3

That is some incredible artwork that you have created there! I would have to say that the first one ("Flowers and Plants") is my favourite. I'm not sure why, I guess I like the clean lines of the art, however I can't say that is what I always enjoy...

That is by far my favorite too! Also the one I spend most time on (around 7 hours, an hour a day for a week) and I enjoyed a lot making it :) Thank you!

You got a plankton sized upvote from @worksinsane because your post appeared in the We Curate quality post search tool. It is a web art thingy thing that searches posts which fulfill predetermined guidelines. Upvoting isn't automated, @worksinsane reads posts before upvoting.

For more information read the introduction post.

What a wonderfull and creative idea to produce something new! And I love the art pieces you've already done. "Anatomy" with Chalk Pastels was my favourite. :)

Cool, sounds interesting, will read the post! thank you :D

Wow. Beautiful drawings.

Isn't it absolutely absorbing whenever you are in the act of creating?

I try to capture that feeling even when performing what others may consider "mundane" tasks. IMHO, it's a great way to enhance mindfulness.

Namaste, JaiChai