Friday the 13th the Story About and Unscrupulous Wall Street Broker in 1907 Creating Panic in the Markets.

in friday-13th •  7 years ago 

That's just one of many origin theories I stumbled up and the best.

Superstitions. Those things from the past bring some bad luck created well in the past right back into the present. There are countless superstitions from all over the world and many overlap with neighbouring cultures. Friday the 13th is recognized in pretty much all western countries, especially the number 13. Many buildings in the North America don't put the 13th floor on the elevator they go from 12th to 14th so anyone living on the 14th floor can rest easy knowing they are superficially on the 14th.

So what makes Friday the 13th so bad it much be recognized for centuries?

The superstition surrounding this day may have arisen in the Middle Ages, "originating from the story of Jesus' last supper and crucifixion" in which there were 13 individuals present in the Upper Room on the 13th of Nisan Maundy Thursday, the night before his death on Good Friday."

This may be the origin of 13 being unlucky but there are no references to Friday the 13th being unlucky until the 19th century. Basically some bad things happened on Friday the 13th and people just started considering the day extra unlucky. It's tough to say which reference really made the superstition take off but it still holds up today.

My favourite example comes from a booked titled Friday the 13th written in 1907 which is about a crooked Wall Street broker that uses the superstition to make the markets crash so he can take advantage.

Quite fitting these days for us crypto traders. Do be wary as today is that day.

Happy Trading.

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nicely done

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