Started writing my third installment in the Gatekeeper series this week. It's already shaping up to be one of my favorites, as I get to introduce a whole bunch of new characters that have been in the works for quite awhile. The Mask of Zekuron, Hatred, origins of Kilvar... it can sometimes get hard to just write the draft sequentially, as I can't wait to get to the real interesting parts.
But this week was also really depressing. With the Covington scandal, I'm reminded how slanted the mainstream media can be. While even tepid criticism of David Hogg would get one boycotted and accused of 'harassing minors', the actual harassment of children by an easily unmasked hoaxster while ignoring racial supremacists that were ALSO harassing the minors, was not just allowed but actively assisted by supposed mainstream news outlets. It's sickening, because the double standard is so incredibly obvious.
There's talk of a legal battle, but after the lockstep narrative I watched the media engage in despite readily available evidence to the contrary, I'm just not optimistic. This is going to keep happening, and the blue check marks on Twitter will keep harassing political opponents with impunity.
For that reason, I'm expediting my more politically themed book: The Bleeding Heart of Matriarchy. I already have some ideas for the cover, and the news cycle suggests that releasing it before the 2020 election might be a good idea.