The Nature of Flow (3)

in fridayflow •  6 years ago 

Feng Shui is an Ancient Daoist Chinese art of Energy Flow
One hears of such terms in Home Economics...
Wherein the Design of Objects in an area emit an Energy known as Chi
The Feng Shui of an area is determined by the efficient and effective interaction between People and their Nodes of Value (Objects/People)
One will have a different intuitive calculus for Feng Shui than another...
Due to a difference in Value Hierarchies
When One's Environment is in Harmony with One's System of Value...
One has Positive Feng Shui
When One is in such Harmony...
One Flows efficiently and effectively through Space-Time...
Entropy is Maximized
Harmonization through Feng Shui consists of Alignment in Mind, Body and Spirit
The Values of Each Element must be met...
When such Alignment and Harmonization occurs...
One has Feng Shui...
One has Flow
When One has Flow...
One is with Dao
(Photo Cred:
Feng Shui Garden.jpg

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