Stir fried shrimps with basil and chili - Pad Kaprao Kung
This is a simple and fast recipe (10 mins), and yet it is, according to me, simply the best shrimp recipe in the world!
- 450 grams medium-sized shrimps, cleaned, shelled and
5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 teaspoons black soy sauce
2 tablespoons fish sauce
water (about 1/3 cup)
1 tablespoon roasted chilli paste
1 cup fresh holy basil
1 spur chili (or ½ bell pepper)
5-10 chillies, chopped and pounded coarsely
Dash of ground white pepper
Heat a wok until the oil is hot, then add garlic and chilies and stir until golden and aromatic. Then add shrimp, and continue Stirfrying until shrimp is nearly cooked.
Add water, roasted chilli paste and sprinkle black soy sauce over the mixture and stir-fry another 15-20 seconds.
3.Then sugar and fish sauce to taste, fresh basil leaves and spur chili,. Stir and mix well. Sprinkle with white pepper. Remove from heat.
- Transfer to a serving dish. Serve immediately with hot steamed rice.
Recipe adapted from:scr