in friends •  7 years ago  (edited)

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There is really no day I can go through without having them around, no matter how annoying they can be. You can’t just live your life without them.
My friends are the best set of people I have ever come across in my life. We could go all out for each other just to make sure we get the best out of life.
So right now, I’m at my friend’s house, not because I don’t have a house, but just because she has a little baby angle called Peniel and we all have to be around her to make sure little Peniel is well taken care of.
Let me take you back to when she was still pregnant with baby Peniel in her womb. Well it wasn’t a really smooth road but we all scaled through. We all had to stay in an apartment because she was in school and she couldn’t be coming to school from her husband’s house since the distance was too much.
We treated her like gold, like she was the first of her kind (the first pregnant woman on earth) she was virtually not allowed to do anything from her second month. We gave her everything she demanded for, infacted I really had to make good use of my cooking skills at that point. We made sure she was as comfortable as possible.
At some point in her third month I had to leave the state for a while because of school work, but it didn’t stop me from caring, it didn’t stop me from calling from time to time to check up on her, and she on her own part was really amazing that period because she always had me at heart and in her prayers since I was far from home, and she always called. While leaving, I was really comfortable because even though I was leaving I was sure she was safe in the hands of our other friends who did a great job taking care of her.
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Fast forward to after she had given birth. She had to come back to school two months after her delivery since she is a student and she had to attend to her academic activities. We were also there for her. She constantly left little Peniel at home to go for her industrial training work, and we always took care of him like he was ours. (I love him like he was my own child, but I’m going to leave his story for another day).
Right now, little Peniel is over 4 months old and she has no worries about how she will handle him because she always has us around. We fill in for each other, we take turns in taking care of him, we make sure not everybody leaves the house at the same time in order to make sure there is always someone at home to take care of him. And by doing so we make things easier for her.
Life is just better and easier when you have your friends around

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