Friendship Day Quotes That Will Have You & Your Bestie Cracking Up

in friendshipdayquotes •  7 years ago 

Friendship Day is the Day, which is celebrated all around the world, for wishing the friends of the people a very happy Friendship spirit. It is something, which reminds us of our friends and of all the great and enjoying activities and times, which we have shared together. Friendship really is something which can not be distinguished ever and nothing else can be like that.

Friendship day when you can really make the bond of friendship stronger and greater than ever. Friendship Day 2018 will be celebrated on 5th August. However, United Nations have declared 31st July as International Friendship Day. We all have that one friend who once was our best friend but now he/she is just a stranger, this is the day when you can really break the ice, you can make it happen again, always remember one thing true friends are rare to find, so celebrate the day in a best way possible.

Friendship day 2018 is coming near and so here we have collected the best Friendship Day Quotes to share on Facebook & Twitter which you can post on your timeline or put as your message in Whatsapp and share with your friends anywhere you like.

  • Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
  • Friend is one, who (F)inds you in a (R)ush of people, (I)nspires you to do something in life, catch your (E)motions and (N)ever leaves you till (D)eath.
  • Despite the advice about choosing your friends wisely, you really cannot choose your friends. They choose you.Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between friends remains ever strong.
  • One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends is that three out of four murders are committed by people who know the victim.
  • Friends are "annuals" that need seasonal nurturing to bear blossoms. Family is a "perennial" that comes up year after year, enduring the droughts of absence and neglect. There's a place in the garden for both of them.
  • Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter.
  • Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.
  • Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.
  • A Perfect Friend I admit I’ll never be the perfect friend. I’ll never be there always. I may not make u smile at times but there is one thing I admit I could do. To be the person I could be for u.
  • A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.

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