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Guys, get on the train it is totally worth it

100% upvoted this post


It seems you forgot about me. I did my needs on your last update. @blueperegrina. Thanks for adding

you need to request on the latest update linked above only request made on the latest update get added to the new update

So i have to do it again,... I am not sure if i get you. How many times do I have to follow others, until i will be on the list? Thanks for help.

once you have completed the steps you qualify if you request on the latest update. The new update is created from the requests made on the latest update. If you don't request on the latest update i dont see your request so you dont get added. When you have been added you then need request to stay on and follow the new members added. You keep doing this to stay on.

I did my request twice, so far. On your update from 5/7/2017

great so when we update tomorrow your be added ;-)

thank you!!!