Potential Solution for Trending Page

in front-page •  5 years ago  (edited)

Looks like we are back at talking about the trending page. Personally, I'm not affected much, since I rarely check out trending pages, but a visitor will unlikely be impressed by our trending page.

Yes, we will have Hivemind communities, and that will be a great improvement in content discovery, and a personalized communities feed.

But... We will still have the personal blogs. Not sure how prominent will they be after communities will make their appearance on the main interfaces, but even community-related posts will still have tags and be indexed as normal posts.

So, the trending, hot, new and promoted pages will still exist, unless they will be removed. And I don't think removing them is a good solution.

A much better solution would be to extend the same level of feed personalization we have by subscribing to various communities to regular tags.

How can this be done?

Here's an idea. It is not the only one and may not be the best:

Have a page/section in the profile to add preferred tags (something like a list of interests on other social media websites). The preferred tags can be pulled automatically from the most used tags and fill a list, or the interface can define a custom set of tags (already used or not) to allow a better diversity of selection and maybe exclude tags which are pushed to the top because they are added automatically or for rewards. The user could be allowed to enter a custom tag or not. Depends on the interface and how they decide to handle this.

Then, when users select the trending/hot/new/promoted pages, posts are filtered out based on their preferred tags set on their profiles. Not sure if the blog feed should be filtered out as well based on these preferred tags, if this should be an option to select in the interface, or to leave it as it is now.

So, if for example a user has "science", "astronomy" and "cooking-recipes" added to his/her profile, only posts having one of those tags will appear on his or her trending, hot, new and promoted pages. And that has no relation to the communities he or she has subscribed to. That's a different thing.

If the user selects a certain tag, this selection takes precedence compared to the settings in the profile.

For example, if the tag "introduceyourself" is selected, posts with this tag should be shown, not those with "science", "astronomy" or "cooking-recipes".

There is, of course, a very good question that remains.

What is a visitor shown before becoming a user and seting up a profile?

I see two potential solutions here. The one we have now doesn't work.

With both solutions the interface would have a predefined set of tags they would like to show on their front page.

The front page isn't or shouldn't be about trending, hot, new or promoted. A visitor should not have access to those pages from a menu on the front page. They will become available after the visitor joins and fills in his or her profile, including the preferred tags (mandatory step).

The front page is about showcasing the best you have. And that is not auto-generated content, be it for burning or fixing the SBD peg.

And here comes the two potential solutions.

One solution, and the one I would choose, would be to add on the front page posts curated by reputed curation guilds which curate great content in various fields, and NOT particularly for the curation reward.

SteemPeak would have a head start in this area, as they already have a way integrated to check out popular curators and their selections.

They would have to redesign the front end to include a filtered version of that, by their chosen tags. Either on the page, or with a menu link to a separate page.

Update: I have to applaud the @steempeak team one more time. Looks like they already implemented my first solution above. Seems I haven't been logged out from SteemPeak in quite a while and wrote this post under the impression of the steemit.com main interface. I love how SteemPeak managed this. The part about preferred tags above still isn't implemented, unless I missed this one too. :)

Here's how the SteemPeak front page looks like for the visitor:

If visitors get smart and try to explore the site, they will continue to only see content curated by reputed guilds, unless they create a new Steem account or log in. Steem news or exploring content by tag is only available to logged in users on SteemPeak.

The second solution would be to show trending posts in the tags you selected, but with a few extra rules:

  • all auto-generated posts filtered out (added in time to a sort of mute list)
  • the possibility to exclude a post from the front page manually

This may seem like censorship, but again, the posts are on the blockchain, they are only excluded from the front page, because they are detrimental to the image of the interface or to Steem, granted, in the opinion of the moderator(s).

In both cases, the front page of the interface will likely be different than the trending page of the user, if he or she would choose the same preferred tags as featured on the interface front page.

That's because the user's trending page would not be moderated nor contain only posts chosen from reputed curation guilds. But still, it would be based on the preferred tags set in the profile, so it would be a great improvement compared to today's trending page (and the rest).

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This may seem like censorship, but again, the posts are on the blockchain,

What has " the posts are on the blockchain" got to do with anything?

Anything that reduces visibility of a post is censorship...same as when YouTube and Google use their tricks to make it difficult for you to see certain videos or sites. They too argue the original still exists and if you know how to find it, you can do so. BS. For people who like to call a spade a spade, it is censorship.

in the opinion of the moderator(s).

really? Did you know that most of them are against the conservatives, against anti-vaxx posts ...and so on (I know becuse I have been flagged for those reasons...some time ago, but still, it did happen). They are to choose what we are allowed to read or see?

To me, that makes you an enemy of freedom - but I would not block you off, exactly because I believe in freedom.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

That is why I would choose the other option in the first place.

In the second place, this applies on the front page of the interface which decides to implement it. A different interface will have a different visibility, a different set of mods, if they choose the same route, etc.

There can be an interface or more which will decide to show the trending as it is now. Based on the votes, even though the trending itself is highly irrelevant.

Also the moderation I was talking about as the second solution, would happen on the front page, which is not the same as the trending page. Front page for visitor <> trending page for user.

So, if i choose not to read something you wrote, i am censoring you?


ops... you are anti-vaxx. that explains a lot.

I took a look at your home page, to see what level of intelligence exists in your posts, and you obviously are not as stupid as your comment made you sound. You think that taking a tiny part of what I said and misquoting it and using emotions to come to a conclusion, that does not make you look like an immature commentator?

As for the anti-vaxx comment, that was tacked on, thinking that it makes me sound stupid? All those parents who have had their children damaged because they believed people who were either paid by big pharma, or those who are too stupid to inform themselves of all the sides of the argument, but do not hesitate to pretend they 'know'! - BUT if a child of a friend or family is damaged, they never admit they spoke out of willfull ignorance.

Of course you do not read any anti-vaxxer posts - you are too clever to fall for that nonsense, just like those who considered themselves too intelligent and well educated to fall for that nonsense about Globalism...but I do not hear any of them laughing at me now that the globalists have made their plans public.

Obviously you are against the change of govt in your country. A pity, for if there are enough of you and you take over again, you will soon be another Venezuela.

Anyway, the point is, whether you believe or not, it does not matter. You should not have the right to impose your beliefs on me by 'graying out' my posts so that it is not visible....because if yuo have the right, then it means so do I and very soon, I assure you, there will be no platform for either of us to be a dictator on.

oh shit... its worst than i thought... anti-vaxxer AND flat-earther...

come on bro. i won't take this discussion any further because it is not worth my time, but i will give you a few cents of it:

1 - please, think for yourself, not because some weird people on youtube said something and some other agree that it is true. You people always talk about "do your own research", but its amazing how you guys tend do dismiss facts proven and easy to replicate when they don't fit what you "believe". You people aren't "awakened". You are just a cult. I hope one day you actually awake for that fact.

2 - yes, i have read and watched, anti-vaxxers and flat earthers content. I can't criticize what i don't know, so i had to understand what all of this was about. And oh boy... it's amazing how your arguments can be easily deconstructed. Why? because they are just "guessing" and "divining". There is no method, no basis. It's all based on what some other popular youtuber said.

3 - Yeah, i still am against this government. You talk about freedom of speech, but think that someone that all his life (personal and political) always exalted the period of our history where our people had the lowest right of freedom of speech, people that talked against the government disappeared on the middle of the night, or were exiled to other countries. Weird isn't it? You know what you should do? Your own research. There is a lot of information around about Brazilian dictatorship period, and a lot of recorded evidence of Bolsonaro speeches exalting that period, even saying that "more people should have been killed at that time"

BTW, have the opinion that this president we have right now is a shitty person and a shitty politician doesn't mean i like or support the other side (aka Lula and the PT party). And you know why? because i can actually think for myself.

4 - I don't care about whatever bullshit you write, be it anti-vaxxer, flat-earth, or whatever is the new conspiracy theory of the moment. I have read enough about it, and won't read again.

But here this guy suggest some ways to filter of what is shown on a personal level (since no matter how many flags you get, your post is recorded on the blockchain, so it will never be actually censored) and you say this is some kind of censorship? what kind of weird thought is that?

And if someone downvote what your write because they don't like what you wrote and think that it doesn't deserve the reward that is also censorship?

How is that censorship if anyone can un-hide the post/comment with just one click?

Do you really understand what censorship is?

anyway, answer this is if you would like to. i wont bother answering it again.

You almost made a few points....but then you dragged in that nonsense about flat earth, without me making any reference to them, as I have no time for such nonsense (which includes pr about vegans).

I also am amused by how you pretend you are so intelligent and thorough, doing your research. All you had to do, as I did, is open my home page and look at where I come from. Last time I looked, South Africa was not a part of the US.

The truth is, I do hold beliefs that are considered old-fashioned, but I am not ashamed of that - I am proud of being a decent human being, without needing to succumb to the pc culture, which is the culture of childish temper tantrums.

I agree, it is far better that we stop, as reading your comments makes me sad, it disheartens me when I hear and see how all my dreams of mankind evolving and maturing have been reversed and destroyed, so that adults argue by taking what was said to extremes so as to make a point which is not valid, as the arguments is not honest. Ask any teacher, they'll tell you it is a sign of immaturity.

Okay - that was fun...so bye-bye

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I won't keep this discussion going on, but here is just some stuff to complement what i said:

well educated to fall for that nonsense about Globalism

Well, sorry about calling you a flat-earther, but this sentence made me think you were one of them. Seems that there is still hope here then.

ll you had to do, as I did, is open my home page and look at where I come from. Last time I looked, South Africa was not a part of the US.

I don't think i wrote anything about US. Really, i have no ideia where you came up with that.

If you got confused about when i talked about the president of my country, i was talking about Bolsonaro, not about Trump. But i get it. Trump is also a shitty person and a shitty president, so i undestand the confusion.

And btw, i am really sorry, but i can't enter a "mature" discussion with a anti-vaxxer, but the whole concept it's so damn stupid and dangerous for the society as a whole that i can't personally give too much credit to anti-vaxxers.

Best wishes, even though you don't think i am "intelligent as i try to be" (nice ad hominem fallacy there).