First fruits

in fruit •  6 years ago 


A while ago, I discovered another underground tree, Sand apples - Pygmaeothamnus zeyheri and I was advised on a group that I belong to that the fruits were not poisonous but they are inedible. A few days ago, someone posted that they are in fact edible. Of course, when I spotted some that were ripe, I had to try them.

In one of our local languages, they are referred to as "goorappels" - the word "goor" means "nauseating" so I was curious to find out what that meant. The fruit itself is plum-sized and juicy and has a lot of flesh with some medium-sized seeds which is unusual for wild fruit, they generally have a large fruit and a very small amount of flesh. As for the taste: yes, it's edible and tastes a bit like an overripe apple but there is an aftertaste of terpene that isn't entirely pleasant. They don't cause stomach upset but they are pretty weird so I suppose you could eat them if you had to but they aren't appealing.

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Very interesting, never knew there were underground trees

They are found in savannahs. It's a way to survive the frequent fires that occur in grasslands

In fact every.tree.has an underground tree in form of its roots;)

No, these are a specific type of tree, called geoxylic suffrutices

Ah yes I see. Went for a google research and found that there is a goxylic suffrutices with the same ganus as the persimmon (dyospyros lotus) which i can recommend to try if you haven't already.

I love persimmons!

Hey :-) just found your blog. Hope you post more about Jo'burg. I was there in 2010 and it was totally amazing and also polarizing... I mean Sandton and Soweto were two different worlds... WOW.

Upvoted and followed!

I do from time to time. The inequality remains and I live in a decaying inner city suburb so my stories can get quite strange

Underground tree, nature doing her thing. Amazing :-)

Yep! These are mind-blowing to actually see

Oh kindred spirit, I would have tasted it too. lol

