What to buy in September - Part I: Vegetables

in fruitsandveggiesmonday •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today is #fruitandveggiemonday initiated by @lenasveganliving. This is my contribution to it.

In August I started to post my "What to buy in ... " It's time for ne next chapter because September already started. 

I'd like this following list of vegetables to be an inspiration for sustainable consumption. Please try to buy foods that are regional, organic produced and in season.

Because of regional differences depending on which part of the world you live in, this might be not the right guide for everyone to buy his fruits and veggies in season. If you're not living in Middle Europe or maybe parts of Northern America you can take this as an inspiration to think about what's in season in your part of the world.

These are the things that are in season in the middle european September. This list is long but I could have missed this or that. If I missed something important, feel free to add it to my listing.


stem turnip - Kohlrabi

fresh herbs - frische Kräuter 

cauliflower - Blumenkohl

broccoli - Brokkoli 

green beans - grüne Bohnen

fennel - Fenchel

cucumber - Gurken 

potatoes - Kartoffeln

pumpkin - Kürbis

spinach - Spinat

silver beet - Mangold

leek - Lauch

spring onion - Lauchzwiebeln

peppers - Gemüsepaprika

parsnip - Pastinaken

beetroot - Rote Bete

horse radish - Rettich

garden radish - Radieschen 

celery - Sellerie 

tomatoes - Tomaten

zucchini - Zucchini 

onions - Zwiebeln

garlic - Knoblauch

artichoke - Artischocke

eggplant - Aubergine 

mushrooms - Champignons

chanterelles - Pfifferlinge

shitake - Shitake

rosella - Riesenchampignon

boletus - Steinpilze 

oyster mushrooms - Austernpilze

I hope I made you a little bit hungry for healthy seasonal clean food. 🥕🥒🥔🍆🥗 The list with the fruits is going to follow soon ... 🍑🍇🍐🍎

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That pretty much looks exactly like what is in season right now in Wisconsin, USA. Fennel, yum!! And I made leek and potato soup this week. It is a bountiful time if year!

... only the winters are much harder in Wisconsin, as you said so ...
Hmmm, leek and potato soup. This is comfort food for me as well! 😋 Yummy!

health is wealth. nice post.

Thank you so much!

Love both entries.........thank you so much UPV & RSD 💚


Wow! You've got a great variety! Us, not so much haha but I am working on my own garden to expand the horizons of the plants we get to eat ;) I absolutely love this though, I am a huge advocate for vegan/plant-based cuisine and it may be because I am always searching for it but it sure seems like we've got a lot of it over here on Steemit! I am so thankful to have the community we do! I started a contest called #veganwednesday you are invited to come join! I'm judging last week right now but the new week starts tomorrow and you have the whole week to think something up! I'm a huge foodie so I love recipes but the contest is open to anything considered vegan so as to encourage and promote the idea of a plant-based diet with those who might not have ever considered it and bring those of us living the lifestyle already, together. I'd love to see you take part and am going to be following you, hoping to connect with you more here <3 Thanks for being a wonderful inspiration!

Oh! Thank you for your warm words and affectionate comment and taking your time writing it.
I noticed last night that there is thing called #veganwednesday and I'd love to contribute somehow. Thank you for the invite! I am starting to think hard ...
Have a wonderful day! ☀️🌴🌸

Here is the link so you can see how to enter, it's really easy =D I will be judging this week today and posting the new week tomorrow so I hope you join us next week for all of the fun! <3 I hope you have a beautiful day as well, so happy to have crossed paths with another lovely soul here! My plan is working! Gathering all the lovely people into one place ;)

Great topic @pusteblume
Thanks for sharing

Thanks! You are welcome!

Jetzt bin ich nicht nur a little bit hungry sondern sehr hungry😆.Ein toller Gemüsepost,mit klasse Bilder.Upvote und Resteemed

Oops! Tut mir leid! 😜😉
Dankeschön für deine Unterstützung!

Sehr gerne doch

It all looks so good!! Thank you for also using the German names - some of them I have forgotten or maybe I never knew them. Here in San Diego, we are starting to plant the winter veggies right now - leafy greens, cabbage family, peas, potatoes and more.

There are not so many winter veggies over here in germany. Nothing grows outside. You can only harvest some things like Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, turnips...

I remember! I grew up in Germany :).
The good thing is that fermented foods are so healthy and lots of the summer bounty can be fermented and kept for the winter. Also, new technology-build green houses can be heated through compost, right placement and so forth and produce all winter long. And the grow towers can grow many plants right in the living room :)

How do these days of the week challenges work!?