My "morning" report, 6/28/2019

in frustration •  6 years ago 

Here's my morning report, which started late because I was ill.
I called out to my MH appointment. went back to bed.
About 30 min ago, I saw an email from Chase (where I now have an Amazon Credit Card) saying that:
"we wanted to let you know that a new change was posted to your credit report on 06-28-2019. Simply sign in to Chase Credit Journey to review. "

I opened my Chase account, and not finding "Chase Credit Journey" I called (god help me) their support.
"We don't handle that report, it is through TransUnion. Let me connect you" (on hold for 5 min) got a new person, explained everything, 4 more min on hold while he checked.
"You just signed up with this account on June 5, we would not show any changes since that date; it has been too soon"
[while I was on hold I looked harder at the chase account and FOUND the 'Credit Journey' clicked it and found that my ADDRESS was changed, very slightly LAST NIGHT ; instead of Auburn AVE NE, it now says Auburn NE AV, with just the 5 digit zip rather than the full 9 digits]
I pointed this out to the TransUnion guy, another few min on hold, he came back and said that yes, the incorrect address was what they had, I should contact CHASE to get it corrected.

Called back to Chase,[while looking at my Chase profile, which has the CORRECT address] got yet another person, explained all that had occurred, she verified that they have the correct address, if Transunion has the incorrect address, I need to contact THEM to get it change.

"Ma'am, Listen to me. I called you, you transferred me to them, when I pointed out the mistake, they sent me back to you."

"well we have the correct address."

"Then I suggest you get with your developers and FIX YOUR WEBSITE, because the Chase hand doesn't know what the TransUnion hand is doing and you are not communicating, but you're site sent me an email. So here I AM CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE of your companies non-communication with each other."


"My Morning Report"

Jerry E Smith
All images are from Pixabay

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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Oh my word. I can so relate. I've been paying for a defunct email address for nearly 9 years now. I phone them, spend hours on the line, they 'fix' it, next month it's back.. I've canceled the debit order on my bank account so many times.. They change the amount and it goes off again... I've actually just given up. I might have to totally just close my bank account to get rid of it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I feel your pain

Posted using Partiko Android

Not sure I understand Paying for a defunct email address.
I've never paid for an email address, all 4 of mine (that I use, there are several
That came with my comcast internet, samsung phone etc, I've never once used any of those)
Of the ones I use (three outlook/hotmail and one gmail), they are all free.

My apologies... It's an email address that I got with our first internet account years ago in South Africa. There was a small fee attached to paying for this account. It's defunct because I have not used it in nine years but they are still charging me. I could relate to your frustration in trying to get stuff sorted over he phone and the lack of communication etc. Hope I make more sense now. #blondemuch

Posted using Partiko Android

ha ha ha...I like the #blondemuch tag
There is another factor you may not know about with me RE: phone support. 2 really
  1. I have PTSD related Anger Management issues
  2. I have hearing loss with severe Tinnitus, so talking on the phone is a problem
    For me, robot menus, people asking the same questions I just answer with the
    Previous idiot, all wind that spring inside me up until I snap, and they
    Typically hang up on me.

Oh dear @jerrytsuseer I meant I'm the blonde for not explaining properly that I commiserate with you. And now even more so. I don't suffer from ptsd but I get just as annoyed and probably have some anger issues to when it gets to that🙄.... I cannot stand dealing with morons or robot messages on the phone. Why have our wold progressed to such a state where it's become a mammoth task to just sort something out. Have a good day.

Posted using Partiko Android

@dkkarolien, I didn't take offense at the blonde reference, I assumed
You were being self-deprecating. I'm glad to know I am not alone
In the world with my aversions and problems...that sounds
Counter intuitive doesn't it? I wouldn't wish my what I
Have on anyone, anyone at all. But we do what we
Must to get by. And I do just that. Good morning.