insert #fuckwhales here
(#fuckwhales, mind your own you content nazi)
Something's been waking me up at ungodly hours that arent mine, due to Hellgian interference i had to cancel my daytrip to London. Lack of sleep has me more hostile than usual (i used to be such a nice guy but all my foes are gremmar nazis or worse ... the kind that likes uniformity and likes to wield power by the rule of whatever group they can find themselves in)
My bubble universe wont work like that ... my eyes are sore, my back hurts, my neck hurts, even my meds wont fix that, so i have brainfog and i cant see straight cos the muscles cramp so bad it wrecks the arthrose worn vertebrae together like an iron clamp around my head.
On top of that its nearing new year .. another year of my life lost in hellgium due to police state interference ... i really have a problem with people telling me how its done ... and i seem not to be the only one
i find, two months into this (not really into this but i can read statistics) a small handful is hogging all the goodies and the fun, telling everyone how to walk and talk
just like real life ... somewhat like "who needs malware when you have windows update", right ? just like real life, such fun to suck dick to be appreciated
i cant , its been a problem all my life, when i get forced i get destructive, self-destructive, whatever needs be done to not have to do it ... it coulda been easy, but thats not how its done in salems lot
which is not what this is about but which is what im stuck in the middle of for years now with no way out but to budge or take medication so my brain gets as low as Alan Turing on chemical castration, in which case i wont be me in a place where i already cant be me, that said, nothing more fun than giving some uniformed dictator an ulcer cos you simply wont budge or give a fucking SHIT about their title and their daddy money
my rep got wrecked twice already, for some reason some mysterious strangers keep bumping it up ... without taking the risk to speak out ... WELL ILL BE DAMNED
out of all downvotes on ALL posts about 90% i had comes from two people , thats not even content dictatorship, that personal spite, very smallminded btw
good, now, every post i make myself is one vote less for someone else cos i do 10 a day max to keep it maxxed .. nuff said
so yea, i made two new ones, its not like generating takes much time, SO
i don't like Steemit very much, its the most rigged social network on the planet atm .. you just "buy power" if you got daddy money you're suddenly the content police ...
I can't get with that ... it's never gonna be "community -- diversity" without a block button to keep the untalented rich content nazis walled up in their own sense of self-wallowing important how we are community and even then
if you can buy power you might as well go get a job on wallstreet for fun ...
But in spite of that i still want to spend a few minutes a day to re-steem some posts, vote up whoever replies with a non "IM THE CONTENT POLICE" comment
in all honesty, cos thats all it is, i made about $11 in two months for myself and anyone can see i havent really tried (cos the system is bullshit but if theres gonna be a new one that has the flaws ironed out , this is the first place to hear about it)
All the more funny : most people i re-steem either just say thanks for putting me out there and in fact the more followers i have the more people i set them out there to,
in all honesty
but every once in a while, some dick (you know, like its name was Moby)
the whale dude, not the vegan skinny bald guy okay
comes by, with all that steem bought by daddy feeling very important like I AM THE FUEHRER OF CONTENT, EIN VOTE EIN CONTENT EIN WHALE, SIEG ME, BOW OR I WILL FLAG YOU AND DOWNVOTE YOU
not a very stimulating environment for people with opinions that differ from the common denominator
and face it over two months i have noticed, its a handful ... its a few already-rich who have been either mining on specialized hardware or buying Steem with daddymoney ... i see my rep got nuked two or three times, all downvotes originated from two out of tens of thousands of people
its rigged, its shitty
but stand tall in the face of adversity :
even Moby Dick (and theres plenty of dicks around here) got a harpoon up his whale ass in the end
o what ? who ? who's that ? oh, pc-principal again , yea, LET HIM TALK, thats the whole point of #freespeech, you bitch
you empower words by giving them attention, and you empower these "whales" (whales, actually like "whales" ?) why not elefants or "fucking fossil dinosaurs" they weigh a lot too ... i said i'm unapproachable and after eight years of my life here so would you be, or dead, hanging from a rope maybe more chance of that
i was taught not to back down by the same kind that tried to break me down, little did they know their little games and schemes are all too transparent and stuck , like zombie routines
predictable , like normal people who usually wear their thoughts above their head like shinigami see date of death
and no i'm not gay cos i reference the guy WHO WON THE WAR AGAINST THE NAZIS THROUGH CRYPTOGRAPHY ... yea that's right, Hitler got beaten by a homo in the end ... that must have felt bad
i have NO problem with homo's cos i call people faggots, how am i supposed to know where they stick their dick, i dont WANNA know anyway
OO SOO SENSITIVE, MIND THE LANGUAGE, you know if you gave less attention to the words and more to the message you might find a lot of diamonds in the dirt, you oversized obese fucking daddymoneys-boy, flat fucking suit with no opinion, dustball department spent SO much time in schools they forgot they're supposed to "think" about what's in the book
not regurgitate
GUD, Alleycat - pOINC out ... (oh its rudyardcatling here ofcourse ... we DO know the story don't we ?)
(watch out ITS RUSSIAN, the fuzzybears are gonna hack you through your youtube screen and make Trump win the elections !!!!! O M G !!! ... you know who made Trump win the elections, right?
you don't ?
well, my guess is the people who voted for him .... which were most likely NOT zee russians since they cant and very likely have done so because of the people they DIDNT vote for)
if you catch my drift ...