Fukushima News 7/23/19; scientists believe over 1000 Gray Whales have died so far this year.

in fukushima •  5 years ago 


Some scientists predict that maybe even as much as over 1000 Gray Whales have died so far this year in 2019. Full article here:

The latest from Kevin Blanch, the number one nuclear fighter in the world. He recently got this great interview from a local diver in California.

You can support Kevin and his work here:

Kevin's youtube channel:

Help me get Kevin to sign up for Steemit!!!

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We have had a lot of whales wash up here in a Alaska. One was a baby, they got it turned around and back out to sea but it came back in. It washed up close to Girdwood. There was a lot of lookie lues, we were just driving by. I heard hear say about it earlier in the month, but didn’t go actively looking for it. It was actually on our way back from the Alaskan sea Life Center that I caught it out of the corner of my eye.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the disappearing chinook/king salmon. Or if that is from illegal fishing. I don’t think it would effect the year old salmon, but the kings stay out longer.
I wonder what this is doing to non migrating fish.
Very thought provoking.

The Chinook Salmon have collapsed like 99%. We are talking the endangered species act should of kicked in by now. In my last Fukushima rant when we rolled over day 3000 I shared the numbers thanks to Kevin.

The best thing you can do is talk to local fishermen. See if they will talk to you on camera asking them about the fish. I know all commercial fishing in Oregon and Washington has been shut down as a result of this catastrophe. I don't know about Alaska. Next time you see a dead whale take a big knife and carve the words "Fukushima did this to me" in big letters on its hide. I know it sounds gruesome and I wouldn't expect you to do that but if I was in Alaska and I saw one I would. Other activists have done this in the past to try to expose Fukushima.

Surely living in Alaska under H.A.A.R.P. you must have stopped by Geoengineeringwatch.org ?

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA


Thanks Dave!

Why doesn't Kevin want to sign up for steemit?

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

It's not that Kevin doesn't want to join. He more than likely isn't familiar with cryptos and blockchain technology. He is by himself in Ogden most of the time without any help. None of his activist friends on the west coast seem familiar with it either or else they might join up too and help Kevin join as well.

Most of the so-called activists are captured complicit in the climate engineering and I return their de-facto satanism by withdrawing any consent and participation with them. If Kevin is lock-stepped culturally with that crowd then he's one of the lost. Good luck in your attempts to show him the only path that will resist the beast and their 501c3 bribe structure to make a difference. The good people of California can kiss my ass. The good people of New York can kiss my ass. There ain't no difference in geography, our entire society is one large satanic ritual. Mark Passio put out one hell of a piece of work on that topic recently. If you ain't seen it yet, better hurry up.

Enjoy your evening.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

I understand Raymond. The west coast and NY can kiss my ass too! That's why I left the west coast. Too many fake activists and Tide pod eaters there. I met a few of Kevin's friends in Eugene Oregon before leaving the west coast and they were libtards for the most part. So many other fake activists have ripped him off and/or kicked him to the curb because of how radical of a guy he is. He's been right about Fukushima since day one of the disaster. He doesn't have a 501c3 but he does have a gofundme account. That is the only thing keeping him alive as far as monetary help. The man got cancer 7 months post Fukushima and was told he had a .6% chance of living. That was 7 years ago and the man is still alive because he refuses to let the Satanists kill him and get away with committing the greatest crime in our human history.

I'm well aware of Mark Passio. I've been following him for several years now so you are preaching to the quire. I'm following him here on Steemit @mpassio. I just wish he was more active. Mark's life like Kevin's I'm sure is rather difficult so it doesn't surprise me that he isn't as active. He's busy trying to survive due to turning on the church of Satan exposing these elitist fucks for who and what they are. Just like every other great activist that has been killed for being a whistleblower.

Kevin is very fortunate to have your heart on his side. It will be to Kevin's benefit to be pushed out of that herd entirely lest he suffer their weight in betrayal.

I walk the fringe comfortable because in focused misanthropy I see the event horizon, and with little more than a glance can sort away the lost. To be called or treated as a radical per "truth" is an individual confession of self defeat by those lying to themselves and dreaming about being out of the herd. In this present moment it is intuitive not to waste ammo, and time is also a form of ammo disappearing. The process is illuminating patterns and paths, while facilitating decisions and implementing strategies by default. Hopefully Kevin in his weakened physical state has enough self awareness to exercise his virtue of selfishness before the "crew" he's used to come running at him wanting anything and everything he has or knows when the war goes hot. If he's already suffered rejection then he would be wise to never have anything to do with them ever again.

Mark Passio has been extremely active on his own website whatonearthishappening.com but he certainly is lifeless on steemit. With my limited knowledge of obstacles to publish media, I can imagine that the performance of dtube is enough to stall behind Mark's patience bar.

I suspect Mark works harder than anyone I know and I'd include James Corbett in that comparison. James is probably most popular but Mark has for my intellectual needs the complete spiritual and philosophical commitment toward the pursuit of infinite truth.

James has in my perception committed to some technical strategies of avoiding the weight of climate engineering in his world view presented askew from the event horizon I see glaring at us all. I got a glimmer of repercussion when he replied to a subscriber query of what was his "endgame vision", as he openly wondered if he hadn't made it perfectly clear about he being a "voluntaryist". He then characterized his "voluntaryist" response with an unqualified respect for geographical differentiation to facilitate statist society, as if somehow statist societies could grow only through voluntaryism, rather than procreation damning by default all offspring to whatever slavery they be born into. Mark never sets himself into such an ego trap because he lives the truth and never avoids complete condemnation of government as slavery. Mark is diligent in explaining natural law as the law of consequences, where one (even a statist) suffers all (even voluntaryists) suffer, regardless of geographical differentiation because the universe is not a technical delineated structure but a spiritual infinity.

But then just as a hippie with a gun tells the truth, Mark suffers willingly without aversion to principle, and in my perception will only increase his intensity of attack with infinite truth against all religion, and to end slavery (government). Mark will never open the social doors James will, however the event horizon is a time delineation and the separation between who lives and who dies is defined by the animal within and how well one remembers himself/herself.

Mark has stated recently that his commitment will span as many lifetimes as necessary until every individual is free. In this final decade I have come to understand that I am living to learn how to die well, and continue into the infinite with all the wisdom I gather in each realm. I consider the Amebix lyric, "The Great God Fear Is Dead", and I can only rejoice to finally see truth taking no prisoners. Death is just the opposite of birth, not the end of life. The event horizon is an equal turn for all, and it is long overdue.

Thanks for the conversation and please keep information flowing about Kevin and especially his evolution away from the herd. Perhaps you might get him to read these words and respond at least? It doesn't seem rational that he would ignore your invitations.

Have a nice day.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Thanks for those kind words Raymond. As well as your incites regarding James and Mark.

I did in fact share this link with Kevin on one of his recent videos he uploaded so I know he saw it. I share all of my Fukuishima posts I make with him. He upvoted my comment so I know he saw it. In fact I'm hoping he uses my Boycott the 2020 Olympics meme I made. It would make a great flyer to hand out distributing to people with information regarding to cover up of fukushima. Whether or not he read the comments I don't know. I can always call him up on the phone sometime if I wanted. I got his number and he posts it on his channel. He wants people to contact him. Especially if they live on the west coast and want to share information with him.

Perhaps one day he will join up with Steemit.

Keep fighting the good right!
Do no harm but stand your ground.

I'll look in on him online occasionally. Thanks for reminding me of his work. I tend to be in vibratory expansion these days, breaking the illusion of separation, and time, into order. I think your care for him has moved me, and that's not something the universe often brings forward through my misanthropic comfort zone. Thank you. Have a great evening.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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