What prevents my full presence in life?
Human, so called homo sapiens, inability to form society based on truth, love, and peace. Ya, that should cover it. Too many, specially in power, are evil and or spiritually vapid and or crazy, stupid really, suffering from nasty case of egocentric megalomaniac psychopathic and other addictions and disorders.
Fuck that noise. I am not paid enough to listen to that Satanic dribble never mind contributing to it. The earth is flat and stationary created by, well, Creator. We didn't evolve from apes and sure are not hurtling through space at ridiculous speeds.
The legal fiction person, Black's Law, and the whole fake so called legal system is Satanic deception and entrapment. Null and void. All their laws and contracts. Can't build free society as Corporation mimicking Republic with enslaved populace as collateral assets instead of rightful shareholders of their nations.
First the revolution has to take place, inside and outside, and then Unity with Higher Spiritual Self and each other can be attained and retained without need to go through emotional drama and catharsis every election cycle. The change is coming however, sooner than many would expect. Too late I think, but better late than never.
Their NWO is now going through some bipolar transformations into multipolar world order (MWO), thus when the dust settles then I will decide what sort of creation efforts would be inspiring and necessary to focus on.
The old world has to die first in order to be reborn again. This is coming of age and ritual baptism of the entire world. One would hope anyway. All signs point that it is the case. One thing is sure, it will get worst before it will get better, but better it will be rest assured for in God We Trust. Amen.
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