Make no mistake, this profession has destroyed the lives of MANY peaceful individuals!
But the tragic and sober irony is that those who choose this particular career path, do it to BETTER society and to protect the masses. Sadly, just the opposite occurs.

Historically and, in reality, THE downfall of ANY society has been that society’s view on morality and the extent to which that culture would go to justify ANY immoral action. And by Morality I’m talking participating in, or NOT participating in, the non-consensual initiation of force or coercion on individuals who have neither harmed nor threatened to harm another person or group of people.

And this observation brings us to a telltale sign that is a barometer for any sick society. It brings us to the doorstep of one particular occupation.
Of all the occupations known to man, one of them is the most despicable humanity has ever known (let me know if you know of another that rivals the one I'm about to mention). And, ironically, it’s the one that is consistently hailed by the unthinking masses as one of the most commendable. That occupation is Law enforcement. This might all be new to you (or...maybe not), but I urge you to stick around….I’ll make the case for this assertion in short order..and make reading this and watching the video (below) worth your while.
Now…Obama would have you believe that there is no justification for any violence against law enforcement(see clip in the video). But think about this for a minute. Is there ever justification for any violence against a rapist, a murderer, a thief who is holding you at gunpoint or a kidnapper? What if you used justifiable violence to defend yourself or your loved ones against one of THESE criminals who are threatening to take your life, liberty or property? You’d be seen as a person who is doing a noble thing because you have dealt with the IMMORAL agent in a just manner.

BUT…. What if the rapist, murder, thief or kidnapper happens to be wearing a badge, uniform and gun and claims to walk in the authority of the state? What if you used violence against THAT criminal? I mean, the crimes are the same right? There’s a victim where you find the loss of individual liberties, property or even the loss of a life, right? If you resist a gun-toting carjacker and take him to the ground, you have done what most people believe is JUST. But what if you, who has neither harmed nor threatened to harm anyone, took a cop to the ground for attempting to violate your life, liberty or property? You know what would happen! You would bring down upon yourself the full force of every state agent they could muster and they would hunt you down till they found you. And you probably wouldn’t live through the experience. The media would report your cop-hating deed as a heinous crime and breaking news shows would depict you as the criminal in a state-wide man hunt. So the cop commits an IMMORAL act that neither you nor I are allowed to do and comes off looking like the fallen hero, while the guy who fought for his rights (and life) is painted as the bad guy.

Listen…the cold hard fact is this. EVERY cop KNOWINGLY signs on to ENFORCE laws…ALL LAWS. Many of the laws are CLEARLY UNJUST and even cruel and wicked. Therefore, every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are UNJUST, CRUEL and WICKED. This objective observation is all the evidence you need to determine that there are NO GOOD cops. See, people can throw up emotional appeals and anecdotes all they want about how "my dad and uncle goober were some of the most upstanding citizens you’ve ever met…and they were cops…damn good cops."
But the fact is, good people don’t derive their existence by being fear-mongering revenue-generators for the state. Good people don’t steal people’s money by fining the crap out of them. And good people don’t threaten the lives of others for disobeying the commands of political puppets. They just don’t!

These guys aren’t heroes and, as this Military vet rightly states (see the video), there is NO honor in doing what cops do.…The boys in blue are merely men - street thugs - walking among us with badges, costumes, guns and utility belts as they and their fellow thugs imagine that they have more authority over your life than you have.
I mean seriously…think of it this way: if you or I did what all cops do on a daily basis, pulling people over, ambushing and harassing people, requesting papers, commanding people to step out of the car and get down on the ground, breaking into homes because someone’s growing a plant they don’t agree with, taking our hard-earned money for transgressing their bosses arbitrary commands they like to call laws, kidnapping people and throwing them into rape cages, and even murdering people, If we did what they do (and they do this stuff EVERY SINGLE DAY GUYS) we would be called thieves, kidnappers and murderers.

Let’s face it, cops and those who condone their practices attempt to legitimize their immorality by cloaking themselves in the blanket they call “authority.”
Let me leave you with this thought: If one holds JUSTICE, PEACE and NON-VIOLENCE in high honor, he will, with that singular thought on those three things, disrespect the BADGE, the "thin blue line," the flag and ANYTHING or ANYONE that attempts, by purpose or by negligence, to dilute such honor in ANY WAY! - B. Young
I'm Brian, anarchist, owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT the viewer.

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing, commenting and upvoting! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more powerful videos. Peace! on, as always... ...#FTP, always Film The Police.
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I get what you're saying about the seeming arbitrariness of being pulled over and fined for traffic violations. But going from there to impugning the entire profession is taking it too far, imo. And this kind of rhetoric feeds the targeted violence against police officers we currently are seeing. It's one thing to kill in self defense during a confrontation, but to take out a person by sniper fire because of his profession? Premeditated murder and unjust.
Policemen sign on to enforce laws. If you don't like a law there is a process to change it. Pick a bad law and start the process. See how many people agree with you.
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@wiser Whoa! Where, in the article or video, did I advocate the use of non-self-defense violence against people who want to wear costumes and pretend to be "authorities?" Exactly what "rhetoric" are you siting, that I've articulated, which "feeds the targeted violence against police officers?" Pointing out that all law enforcement agencies are sworn to uphold arbitrary laws which HURT people (financially and sometimes physically) and take away their freedoms is NOT a battle cry for rival thugs to start taking up arms against them.
Please demonstrate how "impugning the entire profession (of law enforcement) is taking it too far." Are they not a uniformed gang whose sole source of monetary enrichment comes from the theft (taxation) of the people they claim to "protect and serve?" If you don't pay these enforced "tax" laws, do they not come to your house in armed fashion and threaten you till you pay? Do they not throw people into cages for possessing things their masters say they shouldn't possess? Please articulate how these "officers" are any different from the thugs of Capone's ilk. Thanks, in advance, for the dialogue.
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I know you are not calling for violence against police officers. But it's happening, so calling them evil and blaming them and their profession for ruining lives and feeding crime is at best unfortunate timing. You do have a right to say it, and I have a right to say what I think about it.
Let's talk about tax laws first. I don't like all aspects of the tax code and believe it to be in need of reform, and I don't agree with how all of my tax dollars are being spent. However, I believe it is within a legitimate government's rights to levy and collect taxes. If you have ever driven on a road, visited the Smithsonian Museum or a national park, or had to be quickly transported to a hospital by ambulance or flight for life, then you have been the beneficiary of taxation.
The police force is essentially what happens when the citizenry delegate the task of defense of their person and property to a specialized and trained group of people. I know that I as a citizen have the right to defend myself and my property. But maybe I'd prefer to do something else with my time than take all the training and practice needed to be able to safely carry and use a firearm. So I delegate this to the local police force and I contribute monetarily (taxes) so that these men and women can spend the hours needed to train and also support their families. And If I'm a farmer, then they benefit by getting to eat the food I grow (which they don't have time to grow themselves because they are training and on patrol to defend me and my farm). It's really nothing more than specialization, and that starts happening very early on as civilizations get more and more complex. That's where the legitimacy of a police force comes from and how it's very different from a gang of thugs.
With that said, I recognize that there are issues with how police work happens today. There's corruption and the fact that it's simply easier to sit in speed traps and pull over motorists than it is to actually go out and fight crime and defend people's person and property when it's threatened. Where I live there is an issue which to me seems like a conflict of interest because in order for my town to have a police force, it has to be self supporting. This means its existence depends on traffic fines. Our town is definitely safer with the police presence, but I would prefer it to be funded a different way.
So I have no problem with saying that police work may be in need of serious reform. And I bet a lot of LEOs would agree. The fact that it is getting easier and easier for people to forget where the legitimacy of police forces comes from (We the People) is a good indicator that there needs to be some soul searching and returning to the roots in police departments all over the country. But I'm talking about reforming a legitimate profession, whereas you seem to be saying that the entire profession is illegitimate and rotten (and no different than a gang of street thugs). I doubt you'd get very far convincing your local police department to adopt your reforms if you start off the meeting by saying the stuff you've written in this article.
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