FullTimeGeek's Daily Bot Report 2018-08-04 (last 24hrs)

in fulltimegeek •  7 years ago  (edited)

img by @allseeingewe









Who are the BLESSED?

They are content creators that do one or more of the following:

  • Engage their audience and community
  • Care about the well being of Steem
  • Produce quality content

Who are the HEALED?

They are free thinkers that have been censored/flagged for their opinions.

Who are the CONDEMNED?

They are one, or more, of the following:

  • Reward Pool Rapist (Selfishly upvotes)
  • Flags opinions to destroy reputation or rewards
  • Doesn't care for Steem or community

Report Start Time: 2018-08-03 14:00:00 EDT
Report End Time : 2018-08-04 14:00:00 EDT

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So blessed by the love of the @fulltimegeek #botbrigade

Thanks to the people who take the mission of love in action as a life path.

Big ups, brother. 😎💘

Here weeeeeeeee go!

The FTG Bot Brigade is on a mission! Look at all they've accomplished this week alone.

Kudos to you!!

Highly rEsteemed!

And Blessed


thank you for the blessing. With crypto taking such a battering this year your support is truly a blessing

I Love These Stats :)

I think, your superpower its one of the bests :)

This post is still holding strong..for now. I hope it makes it to payout!

It's forever on the blockchain no matter what -- that's what counts :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Let it be known that I am of sound mind, not involved in the circle-jerk as claimed, heck, not even involved in the flag war. I choose to upvote your comment with my small worth. If someone decides to flag your comment, as they do so with Lyndsay, now, that's just throwing a tantrum. :)

What you do with your sacrifice of your voting ability is amazing. Thank you for the help you've given me and many others. And once again you are there to fight what is easy for everyone to see, but very few do anything about. Many notice what you do and appreciate it (even if they don't say it).

You know brother... just because I don't ever want you to think I take your support for granted.. from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you... thank you for caring.. not just for your support of me of course.. but for really caring about everyone.

Thank you for the healing. 💜 Nicely ask someone to upvote a charity, get whale-on-redfish flagged. That's just rude. 😉

Well since the SOG I have appreciated your support. I use you all the time as an example of how all the whales should behave. Can you imagine if many of the Steemit whales followed your lead and actively supported creators of decent content. The number of good users would go up as well as the price/value of Steem.

Geek bot squad in the house ! Respect brother, thanks for the support.

Curious how someone becomes blessed? :)