FullTimeGeek's Daily Bot Report 2018-08-05 (last 24hrs)

in fulltimegeek •  7 years ago 

img by @allseeingewe









Who are the BLESSED?

They are content creators that do one or more of the following:

  • Engage their audience and community
  • Care about the well being of Steem
  • Produce quality content

Who are the HEALED?

They are free thinkers that have been censored/flagged for their opinions.

Who are the CONDEMNED?

They are one, or more, of the following:

  • Reward Pool Rapist (Selfishly upvotes)
  • Flags opinions to destroy reputation or rewards
  • Doesn't care for Steem or community

Report Start Time: 2018-08-04 15:00:00 EDT
Report End Time : 2018-08-05 15:00:00 EDT

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I've been a victim, I've been healed and I've been blessed in 48 hours. - Thank you @fulltimegeek!

bob ross geekbots.jpg

Oh, nice one. What about fulltimebob? :)


@allseeingewe & @hitmeasap these make my day! <3 <3 <3

Future me says thanks for the nightmares this will be causing when staying awake to avoid them stops being an option.

Geek bot squad activate !

Its an honor to be on your list, especially in the face of the war back on. Thank you :)

The dancing pants.gif

My Blessed Dance thanks to you @fulltimegeek

I added you to https://www.goodbloggers.com/blogger/fulltimegeek
Help GoodBlogggers to survive - repost.

Como es esto?

Excellent, and thank you also for the support you give @votovzla

Always love and appreciate a visit from fulltimegeek's bots. Thank you.

Some day, this will be the source material for a Netflix Original movie.

Thanks for caring enough to put your money where your mouth is.
Maybe one day those that put their profits ahead of helping build the platform will move on to greener pastures and we can make the place what it should've been all along.

Buenos día excelente trabajo. Saludos desde Venezuela lo invitó visitar mi blog

Wow dude, such a good initiative. I hope to be blessed some day.

Greetings @fulltimegeek, I am very grateful to be taken into account. Sincerely, I consider that the help you give to many of the platform is extraordinary and in that sense, I thank you very much because with your contribution to my publications on social assistance, many people have benefited. I hope to continue counting on your support, as you can see in my blog; Every time there is an institution, there are many who are really benefiting. In that sense, I consider that you are a ROPAVEJERO OF LIFE !!!