FullTimeGeek's Daily Bot Report 2018-08-17 (last 24hrs)

in fulltimegeek •  7 years ago  (edited)

@BigRedd again with the win. Congrats homie!

img by @allseeingewe





Who are the BLESSED?

They are content creators that do one, or more, of the following:

  • Engage their audience and community
  • Care about the well being of Steem
  • Produce quality content

Who are the HEALED?

They are free thinkers that have been censored/flagged for their opinions.

Who are the CONDEMNED?

They are one, or more, of the following:

  • Reward Pool Rapist (Selfishly upvotes)
  • Flags opinions to destroy reputation or rewards
  • Doesn't care for Steem or community

Report Start Time: 2018-08-16 14:00:00 EDT
Report End Time : 2018-08-17 14:00:00 EDT

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Blessed be I'm all lit up like a 🎄

Love that number lol!!

LOL! I just noticed that, that's better than having the #1 spot :D

Agreed! Thanks as always @fulltimeangel!


Let's Go Get Stoned?

Those bots know what they're doing with you lol

I love the pleasant surprise of a bot visit. It is genuinely like a blessed gift that makes one smile. Thank you @fulltimegeek you are truly one of a kind.

As always, I cannot thank you enough for doing what you do for me and many more here :) You the man! :)

lb snip comment.PNG

Nice to see that no one needed healing!

ditto! Peace times are the best times.

I hope things are improving down there in Nicaragua @cecicastor. Nice to see you here :)

It is nice to be here! Things really haven't settled down. Now we get the blackouts and internet outages. Sigh. We cope the best we can under the circumstances.

ohh top 3 @fulltimegeek! They surely know how to please their master! haha. :)

I kinda hope I never get the #1 spot b/c it would just be awkward ... lol

Indeed, but considering how much you do for the community, a few votes for yourself and your own content would hardly be begrudged by any reasonable person!

Agreed. How did you end up at -12 rep?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Flag wars. I decided that a one line comment shouldn't get $100+ payout. The whale retaliated and flagged all my posts

You can find all the details here:


I just noticed this for the first time yesterday and I want to stop by and tell you that it's great to see more powerful people like you putting forth their heart and resources into the health of the community. Many great names on that list.

I appreciate the love n support! :)

I can't agree more!

wuttt im on the list!!! thanks a lot @fulltimegeek ! DE LO MIO!!(DR saying lol)
damn I feel lucky

You are doing amazing work brotha.

very good job dear. thank you

I confess to not understanding all of this but I just want to send my love and a very fine batch of imaginary brownies
. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Your initiative is just amazing.I am really speechless. I wish more people were acting the way you do @fulltimegeek. Eventually good things happen to good people! That list is also an opportunity for me to engage with more people. An who knows...maybe one day I might see my name over there too. I would be honored.
Have a great day.

This is one list I love to be on!! Thanks @fulltimegeek!!

Thank you very much for your support bossman!

As always thank you kindly good sir, be blessed and happy always.

Thank you for supporting the community! I don't post nearly enough and will be even less now that I will be taking a family vacation. Love it when the bots stop by though. :)

Love your initiative @fulltimegeek!

Is there a way to sign up for the full-time blessings? 😄 Or to nominate somebody else?

Wait a minute. I think I remember you now. Are you the guy who goes around upvoting people so they don't feel like they need to botvote? And if I recall, you called me to repentance a few weeks back. And I totes made a post about it? And now you are upvoting me, and I am looking at your wallet and you're doling out the cash to people! It's like...you put your money where your mouth is. Where are you getting all the delegation power? Is this yours, or from other people?

Pretty cool job, bro. I think I will do a promo vid for you to thank you for your hard work!

Wow. You've got some really great names on this list. It's like the cream of the crop up there. I can vouch for several of those blokes personally, and know some of them well!

Good eye, good eye. So what does this list mean? Is that upvote value they received?

Once again, I thank you for all that you are doing, it is nice to see when no one needed healing. Hoping for another good week of healing free.